How Animals Move Flashcards
relaxes muscles
A globular protein that links into chains forming microfilaments in muscle cells
Aerobic Cellular Respiration
the process of cellular respiration that takes place in the presence of oxygen gas to produce energy from food.
Appendicular Skeleton
made up of the bones of the appendages and the bones that anchor the appendages to the axial skeleton.
Axial skeleton
Components of the skeletal system that support the central trunk of the body
ball-and-socket joints
A joint that allows rotation and movement in several planes
calcium carbonate
needed by the body for healthy bones, muscles, nervous system, and heart
cartilaginous joints
a type of joint where the bones are entirely joined by cartilage, either hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage.
A type of polysaccharide that is made by some plants and animals; The hard outer shell of shrimp, lobsters, and many insects
elastic protein, which runs parallel to the filament array and links the ends of the thick filaments to the Z disc, maintaining their ends in register with the lattice of thin filaments.
A hard skeleton located within the soft tissues
rigid external skeleton; mostly in arthropods
Fibrous joints
the joints in which the bones are connected by fibrous tissue. They are called fixed or immovable joints as they do not allow any movement between the bones.
hinge joints
joint that allows movement in only one plane
hydrostatic skeleton
consists of fluid held under pressure in a closed body compartment; the main skeleton in most cnidarians, flatworms, nematodes, and annelids
lactic acid fermentation
a type of anaerobic respiration (or fermentation) that breaks down sugars to produce energy in the form of ATP
strong fibrous connective tissue that hold together the bones of movable joints
active travel from place to place
motor unit
a motoneuron and all of its associated muscle fibers, are the basic functional units of skeletal muscle.
muscle fibers
muscle cell
A contractile strand in a muscle cell made of sarcomeres
protein filament that interacts with actin filaments causing cell contraction
a common disease of the joints that primarily occurs in older adults. This condition is characterized by the breakdown of cartilage,
cells that form bone tissue
large multi nucleated cell responsible for the dissolution and absorption of bone.
a cell surrounded by mineralized bone,
a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, or when the structure and strength of bone changes
a phosphorylated form of creatine that serves as a rapidly mobilizable reserve of high-energy phosphates in skeletal muscle,
pivot joints
a joint that allows precise rotations in multiple planes
red bone marrow
Found in the cavities at the end of bones and produces red blood cells
rheumatoid arthritis
Found in the cavities at the end of bones and produces red blood cells
The fundamental unit of muscle contraction; composed of actin and myosin
sarcoplasmic reticulum
a complex network of specialized smooth endoplasmic reticulum that is important in transmitting the electrical impulse as well as in the storage of calcium ions.
sliding filament model
describes the process used by muscles to contract
synovial joints
the type of joint found between bones that move against each other,
T tubules
a deep invagination of the plasma membrane found in skeletal and cardiac muscle cells. These invaginations allow depolarization of the membrane to quickly penetrate to the interior of the cell.
Thick filaments
made up of myosin molecules
think filaments
composed primarily of actin molecules
important component of the muscular system which works in conjunction with troponin to regulate muscle contraction.
a calcium-regulatory protein for the calcium regulation of contractile function in skeletal and cardiac muscles
yellow bone marrow
A tissue found within the central cavities of long bones; consiting moslty of stored fat