Plant development Flashcards
Why should we study plants?
Everything comes from plants pretty much - food, clothes, homes. All of our food is indirectly from plants.
Why do we need to increase crop yields?
There is an evergrowing population. A book was written by Thomas Malthus saying how the more people there are, the more food that is required.
How does the population growth relate to the demographic transition model?
The population is increasing due to less people dying rather than more people being born.
Why must the global grain production double?
As not all the energy is passed on through the trophic levels and not all is used for us directly.
What did Neo-Malthusians believe?
That people were the problem for the lack of food and they supported sterilization in humans.
How is the attitude towards children changing?
Previously children were seen as an asset - they could help the family work and grow crops, whereas now children are seen as an expense and the birth rate is decreasing in developed countries.
What was discovered about wheat to increase yields?
Their development can be changed to make them grow shorter but use excess energy to put into the grains to double the yields.
What was the green revolution?
Advances in technology and development that believed would solve the problems with lack of food. There was genetic modification, fertilisers, pesticides and mechanisation among other things.
What are Rht genes?
Reduced height genes.
How do Rht genes work?
They are natural mutant alleles that inhibit normal stem development which allows for more grain filling, resulting in a greater yield.
What was an aruged problem of the green revolution?
It created too many lives along with saving lives - there was a large increase in population and no longer enough food to provide for everyone.
What are the problems with the genetic engineering of crops?
It gets bad press from the public due to misunderstanding
What is the most studied plant?
Arabidopsis thaliana.