Plant and animal responses Flashcards
Plant chemical responses to herbivores
-tannins- toxic and make leaf taste bad
-alkaloids- growing tips and flowers, making them taste bitter
-pheromones- affect the behaviour or physiology of another organism
Types of plant response
Tropisms- directional growth responses:
-phototropism- shoots grow towards light= positively phototropic
-geotropism- roots grow towards the pull of gravity, anchoring them in the soil
-chemotropism- response to chemicals eg. pollen grows down style attracted by chemicals
-thigmotropism- shoots of climbing plants wind around other plants
Nastic response- non directional response to external stimuli eg. mimosa folding leaves when touched = thigmonasty
Effect cytokinins
-promote cell division
-delay leaf aging
-overcome apical dominance
Effect abscisic acid
-inhibits seed germination
-stomatal closure when low water availability
Effect auxins
-promote cell elongation
-inhibit growth side shoots
-inhibit leaf fall
Effect gibberellins
-promote seed germination
-promote growth of stems
Effect ethene
-promotes fruit ripening
Auxin when tip broken off and role abscisic acid, cytokinins
-auxin prevents growth lateral buds
-when tip broken, auxin levels drop and side shoots grow
-tested by applying auxin paste to broken tip and lateral buds didn’t grow
-high auxin keeps abscisic acid levels high, when tip removed, abscisic acid level drop causing growth lateral buds
-cytokinins promote lateral bud growth by overriding apical dominance effect. High auxin makes shoot apex a sink for cytokinins, when removed, they spread around plant
Gibberellic acid experiments
-compare GA1 levels of tall vs short pea plants
-Le gene responsible for producing enzyme that converts GA20 to GA1
-dominant Le allele= tall plant
Seed germination
-seed absorbs water and embryo releases gibberellins
-enables production amylase which breaks down starch to glucose
-glucose can be respired so seed grows
Location of meristems in plants
-apical meristems in tips of shoots or roots
-lateral bud meristems
-lateral meristems for widening of roots and shoots
Mechanism of auxin’s effect
-increases stretchiness of cell wall by promoting active transport of H+ by ATPase enzyme on membrane
-this decreased pH is optimum for wall-loosening enzymes to work
-enzymes break bonds between cellulose so become less rigid
Enzymes involved in redistribution of auxin
-phototropin 1 and phototropin 2- activity promoted by blue light
Commercial uses auxin
-take cuttings and dip in auxin to encourage root growth
-treat unpollinated flowers with auxin, it will grow seedless fruit
-used as herbicides as stems grow rapidly so the weed can’t support itself so buckles and dies
Commercial uses cytokinins
-prevent yellowing lettuce leaves after picked
-mass production of plants
Commercial uses gibberellins
-used in shops to keep fruit fresh for longer
-make apples elongate to improve shape
-elongate grape stalks, meaning grapes grow bigger
-brewing, as speed up process
-sugar productions, stems elongate, so more sugar available from each plant
Commercial uses ethene
-speed up fruit ripening in apple, tomatoes etc
-promote fruit drop in walnuts, cherries
Nervous system divisions
-divides CNS and PNS
-CNS divides spinal cord and brain
-PNS divides into motor and sensory
-motor divides autonomic and somatic
-autonomic divides into parasympathetic and sympathetic
-brain composed relay neurones, non-myelinated= grey matter
-spine has non-myelinated relay neurones making up grey matter, but also has myelinated which make outer region white matter