Plant and Animal Responses Flashcards
Name the two main divisions of the nervous system
Structural organisation:
● Central nervous system (Comprised of brain & spinal cord. Specialised system of nerve cells processes stimuli & propagates impulses.)
● Peripheral nervous system (all neurons that are not part of the CNS).
Name the two main divisions of the peripheral nervous system.
Functional organisation:
● somatic (under conscious control)
● autonomic (not under conscious control)
Name the two main divisions of the autonomic nervous system.
- Sympathetic: often stimulates effectors (fight-or-flight response), neurotransmitter noradrenaline, ganglia near CNS.
- Parasympathetic: often inhibits effectors (rest/digest response), neurotransmitter acetylcholine, ganglia far from CNS.
Act antagonistically to regulate response of effectors
Describe the gross structure of the human brain
2 hemispheres joined by band of nerve fibres (corpus callosum). Divided into lobes.
● Parietal lobe at the top of the brain: movement, orientation, memory, recognition.
● Occipital lobe at the back of the brain: visual cortex processes signals from the eye.
● Temporal lobe beneath the temples: processes auditory signals.
Identify the function and location of the cerebellum
● Controls execution (not initiation) of movement e.g. timing, balance, coordination, posture.
● Possible role in cognition e.g. attention & language
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Identify function and location of the medulla oblongata
Controls a range of autonomous functions, including breathing and heart rate (location of cardioacceleratory/ deceleratory centres).
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Identify the function and Location of the cerebrum
Uppermost part of the brain is organised into lobes which control voluntary functions e.g. initiating movement, speech, thought.
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Identify the function and Location of the hypothalamus.
Includes anterior pituitary gland (secretes metabolic & reproductive
Involved in thermo & osmoregulation.
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Outline what happens in a simple reflex arc
receptor detects stimulus → sensory neuron → relay neuron in CNS coordinates response → motor neuron → response by effector.
Survival benefit: rapid response to potentially dangerous stimuli since only 3 neurons involved, instinctive.
Describe the knee jerk reflex
Important for maintaining posture & balance.
1. Tapping patellar tendon stimulates stretch-mediated receptors.
2. Impulse travels sensory → motor (no interneuron). Quadriceps contract. Inhibits antagonistic hamstring contraction.
Diagnostically useful: multiple kicks = symptom of cerebellar disease, lack of reflex = nervous problems.
Describe the blinking reflex
Brain stem reflex. Consensual response: both eyelids close rapidly when just 1 cornea is stimulated by bright light / touch.
Sensory neuron of trigeminal nerve → spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve → interneurons → facial motor nerve → effector muscle orbicularis oculi
What is the ‘fight or flight’ response?
If brain perceives threat, it stimulates stress responses involving adrenaline.
Triggers physiological changes to prepare body: pupil dilation, inhibition of digestive system, higher heart rate & stroke volume, greater blood flow to brain for mental awareness, faster metabolic rate
Use the secondary messenger model to explain how adrenaline works
- Adrenaline 1st messenger. Hormone-receptor complex forms.
- Conformational change to receptor activates G-protein.
- Activates adenylate cyclase, which converts ATP to cyclic
AMP (cAMP). - cAMP 2nd messenger. Activates protein kinase A pathway.
- Results in glycogenolysis.
Describe the 3 types of muscle tissue.
A: Striated skeletal muscle consists of multinucleated cells. Antagonistic muscle pairs enable movement.
B: Smooth involuntary muscle enables walls of blood vessels & intestines to contract.
C: Cardiac muscle consists of branched uninucleated cells. Myogenic contraction = heartbeat.
Describe the gross structure of skeletal muscle
Muscle cells are fused together to form bundles of parallel muscle fibres (myofibrils).
Arrangement ensures there is no point of weakness between cells.
Each bundle is surrounded by endomycium: loose connective tissue with many capillaries
Describe the microscopic structure of skeletal muscle.
Myofibrils: site of contraction.
Sarcoplasm: shared nuclei and cytoplasm with lots
of mitochondria & endoplasmic reticulum.
Sarcolemma: folds inwards towards sarcoplasm to form transverse (T) tubules
How is muscle contraction stimulated?
- Neuromuscular junction: action potential = voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open.
- Vesicles move towards & fuse with presynaptic membrane.
- Exocytosis of acetylcholine (ACh), which diffuses across
synaptic cleft. - ACh binds to receptors on Na+ channel proteins on skeletal
muscle cell membrane. - Influx of Na+ = depolarisation