What are the Benefits of Audit
Planning helps to:
1. Complete the engagement effectively and efficiently
2. Identify and resolve potential problems on timely basis
3. Pay attention to important areas of audit
4. Assist in selection of appropriate team
5. Perform direction, supervision and review of engagement team
6. Coordinate on timely basis with component auditor or experts
What is an Audit Plan?
Audit plan includes nature, timing and extent of audit procedures to be
performed by engagement team members on each area of the financial
What is Interim Audit?
An interim audit is that part of audit which takes place before the year end.
What is Final Audit?
Final audit takes place after the year-end and concludes with the auditor
forming and expressing an opinion on financial statements for the whole year
What are the Benchmarks of
- Net Profit
- Total Expenses
- Total Revenue
- Net Assets
- Net Current Assets
What is Performance Materiality
Performance materiality is an amount less than the level of overall materiality.
It is used to reduce the probability that the aggregate of uncorrected and
undetected misstatements exceeds materiality for the financial statements as
a whole
What is Transaction-Based Audit?
It is an approach for an audit under which no reliance is placed upon entity’s
internal controls. The auditor solely performs test of details
What is System-Based Audit?
If the internal controls are assessed as effective in the walk-through tests, the
auditor may rely on the internal controls and perform test of controls to
determine the level of substantive testing. This is a system-based audit
What are Walk-Through Tests?
It is a procedure performed by the auditor which traces a transaction step-by-
step through the accounting system from its inception to the final disposition
What is Inherent Risk?
It is the susceptibility of an assertion to a misstatement that could be material
before considering any related controls.
What is Control Risk?
It is the risk that entity’s controls may not prevent, detect or correct material
What is Detection Risk?
It is the risk that procedures performed by auditors will fail to detect a material
What is Audit Risk?
It is the risk that the auditor will express an inappropriate opinion
What is a Not-for-Profit
It is an organization with an objective to provide services to the society. It does
not generate profits and no part of its income is distributed to its members,
directors or officers
What are Internal Controls?
Internal controls are processes and procedures implemented by the
management to ensure achievement of an organization’s objectives in
operational effectiveness and efficiency, reliable financial reporting, and
compliance with laws and regulations
What are Internal Controls?
Internal controls are processes and procedures implemented by the
management to ensure achievement of an organization’s objectives in
operational effectiveness and efficiency, reliable financial reporting, and
compliance with laws and regulations
What are the Limitations of Internal
- Breakdown caused by human error
- Management override of controls and collusion
- Lack of segregation of duties in small entities
- Non routine transactions are not subject to internal controls
- Judgements involved in implementation may be faulty
What are the Components of Internal
- Control Environment
- Information Systems
- Entity’s Risk Assessment Process
- Control Activities (Authorization – Performance Reviews – Information
Processing Controls – Physical Controls – Segregation of Duties) - Monitoring of Controls
What is Segregation of Duties?
Segregation of duties is division of work between multiple workers to
reduce the risk of error and fraud
What is Management Letter?
It is a document prepared by the auditor to communicate significant
deficiencies in internal controls to the management
What is an Audit Trail?
An audit trail is the ability of users to trace a transaction through all of its
processing stages
What is a System Log?
A system log is a record of events that take place in performance of system.
What is Encryption?
Encryption is the conversion of data into coded form using a program to
make it unreadable to everyone except its intended users
Preventive Controls
Controls designed to stop errors or irregularities from occurring.
Examples: segregation of duties, authorization, restricting access through
Detective Controls
Controls designed to identify errors or irregularities that may occur.
Examples: reconciliations, periodic audits, exception reports, review of
system logs
Corrective Controls
Controls designed to correct errors or irregularities that have been
Examples: backup and recovery procedures, disciplinary mechanisms
What is Check Digit?
Check digit is a validation check on key numerical codes. It is calculated from
the original data and added to the end
What is Audit Software?
It is a computer program used by auditors to extract and interrogate
financial information in client’s IT system for use in audit work.
What is Test Data?
It is a set of dummy transactions developed by an auditor and processed by
the client’s IT system