COMPANY LAW Flashcards
What is a Company?
A company is an organization which is registered as a separate legal entity
under companies act or any other law relating to incorporation of companies.
What is Doctrine of Corporate
Doctrine of corporate personality is that a company is considered as an
artificial person having separate legal status from its owners
What is a Fiduciary Relationship in
context of the directors of a
Fiduciary means an ethical or legal relationship of trust between parties.
Directors and members have a fiduciary relationship as directors work in the
best interests of the company
What is a Holding Company?
A company which:
i. Holds 50% or more voting rights; or
ii. Controls the composition of the board of another company.
What is a Subsidiary Company?
A company whose:
i. 50% or more voting rights; or
ii. composition of the board is controlled by another company.
What is Memorandum of
It is the constitution of a company which includes its name, place, principal
line of business, liability and capital clauses
What are Articles of Association?
Articles of association contain rules and regulation on internal affairs of a
company. They include rules regarding transfer of shares, proxies, general
meetings, dividends and reserves.
What is an Ordinary Resolution?
Ordinary Resolution is a decision in a general meeting which is passed by a
simple majority of members present in person, or by proxy, or through postal
What is a Special Resolution
A special resolution is a decision which is passed by a majority of 3/4 of the
members present in person, or by proxy, or through postal ballot and for
which a 21 days’ notice has been given
What is Share Capital?
It is the total amount invested by the members of a company
Authorized Share Capital
It is the maximum amount of share capital that can be issued. This amount is
mentioned in the Memorandum of Association and can only be changed
through a special resolution.
Issued Share Capital
It is the amount of share capital that is issued to the shareholders. It cannot
exceed the authorized share capital.
Paid-Up Share Capital
It is that part of issued share capital which is actually paid up.
What is an IPO?
An Initial Public Offering (IPO) refers to the process of offering shares of a
company to the general public for the first time
What is a Prospectus?
A prospectus is a document which invites the general public for subscription
of securities (shares or debentures).