Planning and Evaluation of Health Promotion Flashcards
health promotion is
Planning and evaluation
- Getting them into good habits and lifestyles through life
health protection is in response to
public health threat
- different to health promotion
- trying to stop the population from getting ill
what is NHS Health Scotland
National body responsible for health promotion
Works with public, private and third sectors (charities) to reduce inequalities and improve health
Health sectors include:
- Community and voluntary
- Local government and NHS
Health in Scotland is steadily improving.
- Inequalities is a human tragedy which reduce economic output and increases social problems
Move to Public Health Scotland 1/04/20
- Combination of services
- More partnership working aids communication
12 NHS Health Scotland Topics
Diet and obesity
Physical activity
Gender based violence (GBV)
Mental health and well being
(help to quit = health promotion)
Sexual health
what does health promotion target
life stages
works predominately but not exclusively with
- Early Years
- Young people
- Adults in later life, and
- Adults in work
6 settings for health promotion
Workplace (adult equivalent)
Primary care
Hospitals (secondary care)
(high smoking rate, complex setting)
what is the first phase in health promotion
what is planning in health promotion
assessment of what a client or population group needs to enable them to become more healthy
- Sit and work out, any existing things that can be utilised
Background information
what background information is needed for planning in health promotion (4)?
Epidemiology (levels of disease evidence)
What is currently available
What the group would benefit from
Information from literature searches, local reports,
- ‘grey literature’
- Not necessarily peer reviewed but still useful
what are the 7 stages in the planning framework used in health promotion (Ewles and Simnett)
identify needs and priorities
set aims and objectives
decide best ways to achieve the aims
identify resources
plan evaluation methods
set an action plan
ACTION - implement your plan including your evaluation
examples of stage 1 in planning for health promotion - identify needs and priorties
e.g. oral cancer
- public awareness
less than prostate or breast but large consequence to those who have it still
professional awareness & attitudes
focus on health professionals – early detection
e. g. reducing sugar in diet
- Work with manufacturers
- Public awareness
- Lobby government for extension to sugar tax
- Working with health professionals
what is involved in stage 2 of health promotion (set aims and objectives)
Set aims and objectives
- are broad goals, objectives specific and define what participants achieve at end of intervention
educational objectives
- smaller and more specific
3 types
- knowledge: increase in level of knowledge
- affective: change in attitudes /beliefs
- behaviours: acquisition of new skills/competencies
are broad goals, objectives specific and define what participants achieve at end of intervention
educational objectives
smaller and more specific than aims
3 types
- knowledge: increase in level of knowledge
- affective: change in attitudes /beliefs
- behaviours: acquisition of new skills/competencies
SMART Guide to setting objectives
- precise
- easily assessed, easy to compare where you are Vs now
- needs of individual/group
- achievable yet challenging
- timescale to assess changes, reasonable in time set
what is involved in stage 3 of health promotion planning
Identify appropriate methods for achieving objectives
community development – Sign posting
mass media – good but expensive
professional development
Social media
what is involved in stage 4 of health promotion planning
Identify resources
Funding the Key:
- £5000/£50,000/£5M scope of what you can achieve
people’s skills and expertise
Materials, overheads, staff, facilities
Need to make best use of the money
what is involved in stage 5 of health promotion planning
Plan evaluation methods
Evaluation is an integral aspect of all planned Health promotion activity
3 different types
- Process
- Impact
- Outcome
what are the 3 types of evaluation
- Process
- Impact
- Outcome
what is involved in stage 6 of health promotion planning
Setting and action plan:
identify tasks, person responsible for task
resources to be used
(artists, online resources, factor in time)
means of evaluation
what is the final stage (7) of the health promotion planning
action/implementation of plan
what is evaluation
Evaluation needs to assess results, determine whether objectives have been met, and find out if methods used were appropriate and efficient.
- does it work
- Worth time, energy, effort, money
- Completed objectives
- Methods were appropriate and efficient
Often set aside 10-15% of your budget for evaluation
Find out what doesn’t work
- Give information so others know not to follow