Planning and Development Management (Submission) Flashcards
Can you tell me some of the latest changes to the NPPF?
The latest revision in 2021 incorporated the UN Sustainable Development Goals, expanding upon the definition of sustainable development.
What is a pre-application?
Seeks to understand the opinion of the LPA of the principle of that development.
After the meeting LPA will send a written letter.
Not binding but gives an opinion as to what the council is looking for and any relevant documents they would require.
What are the timescales of a pre-application and can you talk me through the process?
- The pre-application request will typically be submitted via the Council’s website using an online form, including the submission of any supporting documents/plans;
- The Council will process the request (typically within a few weeks), responding in due course to confirm the applicable pre-app fee and arrange a suitable date and time to meet (either virtually, at their office or on site). The pre-app fee is always paid directly to the Council by the client.
- The meeting is attended by one of the Savills Planners along with the Council’s assigned Planning Officer. The client’s attendance is optional, but often recommended so that they can hear what the Planning Officer has to say and ask any relevant questions;
- Following the meeting, the Planning Officer will write a concise pre-application advice letter based on the proposal, the discussions undertaken during the meeting and any submission documents. Their advice will detail whether the Council are likely to support or disagree with the proposal, or alternatively recommend that amendments/additional reports are prepared to make it acceptable if a planning application were to be submitted;
- Finally, the written response is received from the Planning Officer with their advice. However, it should be noted that the advice they give comes with the caveat that it is ‘not binding on the Council’ in respect to any future application(s) that they determine.
- Following the conclusion of the pre-application process, the proposal will usually be amended in accordance with the Planning Officer’s recommendations before a planning application is submitted for determination.
Could you give me some pros and cons of a pre-application?
cheaper than going for full planning and then being unsuccessful. Get an insight into if any reports will need to be specifically. Gives you an idea as to the problems you might be faced with.
What is the Greenbelt and what is its purpose?
The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open
Why did your client for Kelvedon Hatch not go directly for an outline/ full planning application?
because they wanted to get a better understanding of what the council is looking to see and what information they will need to provide to obtain full planning.
What other aspects of the development in Kelvedon Hatch did you think made it acceptable in planning terms?
it adjoins the existing village and would be a natural extension to the village with good access point to the road.
What is a section 73 amendment?
It is a minor material amendment which is granted under section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to vary or remove conditions associated with planning permission.
There is no black-and-white answer as to what is material (section 73) and what is non-material (section 96A) as this is dependent on the context of the overall scheme– an amendment that is non-material in one context may be material in another.
What are other forms of amendment?
A non-material amendment which is granted under section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
There is no black-and-white answer as to what is material (section 73) and what is non-material (section 96A) as this is dependent on the context of the overall scheme – an amendment that is non-material in one context may be material in another.
What is a vision document?
Can you name some of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and why these may be incorporated into the NPPF?
There are 17 UN Sustainability Development Goals.
What does the NPPF say about the 5-year land supply?
Local Authorities must demonstrate their 5-year housing supply.
Why do the council have to show what they’re spending CIL on and where would you find this information?
I would look for it on the Council Website and it is useful to have as it is a good way for developers for example to check that they are not double paying through s106 and CIL.
Council must be seen to be transparent and it is a way of them being accountable for spending the money on the identified infrastructure within a certain amount of time.
How does land get released from the Green Belt?
Through allocation for development within the Local Plan.
Did the scheme in Chelmsford have any sustainability features?
Why is the planning system important?
What is the difference between minor and non-material amendments?
There is no black-and-white answer as to what is material (section 73) and what is non-material (section 96A) as this is dependent on the context of the overall scheme – an amendment that is non-material in one context may be material in another.
What are the types of planning permission?
- Outline application
- Permission in principle
- Full application
What is included in a planning application?
- Application form
- Application fee
- Ownership certificate
- Location Plan (1:1250 or 1:2500).
- Site Plan (1:500 or 1:200).
- Drawings 1:50 or 1:100 to include floor plans, sections and elevations.
What are typical planning application fees?
Full application for new dwelling houses:
Up to 50 houses = £462 per house
+ 50 houses = £22,859 + £138 for each additional house in excess of 50 (max fee £300k)