Planning and development management (lvl 1) Flashcards
What is planning appraisal and how is it used?
How does it fit within the development process?
What is development management and why do we have it?
What is development control?
Who are the key stakeholders in development management?
Tell me about your understanding of the key principles and processes
used to determine the need for planning consent.
How do you go about undertaking pre-application consultation and
What is the process involved in obtaining appropriate planning
What information is required in support of a planning submission and
where is this defined?
How long does it take to obtain a planning decision?
How are planning decisions made and by whom?
What will be the main issues in determining if planning consent is
How can interested parties get involved in planning determination?
When and why would an application by ‘called-in’ by the Secretary of State and what does this mean?
What is the role of local councillors and planning officers in the planning
What is the role of the Planning Inspectorate?
What is a Judicial Review, and what are the key timescales and risks?
What are the different types of planning appeals and when are they
Tell me about the stages of the appeals process?
Tell me about the public consultation process for a new development?
What stakeholders need to be considered for a development proposal
and how are these managed?
Tell me about planning policy and procedures relevant to your
locality/region of working.
Tell me about your understanding of the role of supplementary planning
documents, design guides and codes in guiding planning applications
and their consideration.
What is a Local Development Plan and a Local Development Scheme?
What is a non-material amendment?
What does S96A relate to?
What does S73 relate to?
How can you change a scheme once planning consent is secured?
What is a drop in permission?
What is outline consent?
How soon do consents usually expire?
What can a developer do to remove the risk of a consent expiring?
What precedent was set in Hillside Parks Ltd (Appellant) v Snowdonia
National Park Authority?
Tell me about how Use Classes in planning have recently changed.
How does the Housing Delivery Test work?
What is the Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development?
What is Permitted Development?
How are Permitted Development rights affected by a local Article 4
What is Neighbourhood Planning?
What is the NPPF?
What is the Duty to Cooperate between local planning authorities?
What is a Development Consent Order?
How is affordable housing secured through the planning system?
What is the difference between affordable rent, discount market rent,
and social rent?
What is intermediate housing?
How does a S106 agreement bind the owner of a development site?
Tell me about the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
Tell me about conservation areas.
What is sustainable development?
What are the different types of planning application?
Why are pre-apps useful?