Planning and Development Flashcards
What planning application was submitted for at Ringmer?
An outline planning had been submitted
What did you use at Sherwood Close to amend the planning?
What did you use the S96a to ammend at Sherwood Close?
Change various unit tenures and make minor internal layout changes and move some balcony positions
How many units were originally consented for at Sherwood Close Phase III and how many did you optimise the scheme for?
142 to 185 units
What are the key elements of the leveling up bill?
Streamlining plan-making
The introduction of national development management policies under Clause 84 to to make policy more consistent across the country and allow Local Authorities to focus on local issues of importance to their communities. National development management policies will be given enhanced legal status, removing the current need to replicate national planning policy. Preparation of plans will be required to adhere to a new plan-making timetable of 30 months.
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) will be repealed and replaced with a framework for a new levy system. However, existing neighbourhood charges within CIL will be retained. The new levy will be set locally, with financial contributions based on the gross-value of the property when sold, rather than on floorspace. The thresholds of the levy will vary based on the context of a given site, for example whether the property is positioned on brownfield or greenfield land. These changes could lead to improved flexibility and consistency
Effort to improve planning between authorities with Schedule 7 of The Bill which will allow for the voluntary creation of ‘Joint Spatial Development Strategies’ between Local Authorities. This is noted to include local plans, minerals and waste plans, and supplementary planning documents.
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) will be replaced. A ‘clearer and simpler’ process will be introduced for relevant plans and projects such as Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs), which will be known as ‘Environmental Outcome Reports’ (EOR).
Historic environment
The Bill looks to introduce added protection for heritage assets through the implementation of national ‘General Heritage Protection Policies’.
What would you include as part of a planning application?
Application form
Location plan
Site plan
Ownership certificate
Design and access statement
Floor plans
Correct Fee
What is law governs development and town planning in the UK?
Town and country planning act 1990
What key part of the 1990 Act relate to do your work ?
S55- definition of development
S73- Minor material amendment
S78- right to appeal
S92- Outline planning application
S96a- Non material amendment
S106- Planning obligations
What is a minor material amendment and when is it used?
S73- develop on land without compliance with conditions previously attached
Used to amend plans, layout and conditions
What is a pre-application
Provided by planning officers employed by the council, which outlines how we are likely to determine any subsequent planning application, and any changes that are likely to be needed, if any, to give your scheme the best chance of being granted a planning permission.
What is the appeal process ?
Written representation – 19-38 weeks to determine
On what grounds can a party wish to appeal ?
Planning refusal
Non determination
What is a s.96a application and where is it used?
S96a is a non material amendment application
Can be used to change approved drawings and description of development.
What is the main regulation or law relating to permitted development
The town and country planning (General Permitted Development)(England) order 2015
What act requires developers to consult with communities before submitting an application?
Localism Act 2011
What is the NPPF
National planning policy Framework
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government’s economic, environmental and social planning policies for England
What paragraphs in the NPPF relate to you and your work?
Para 2- Planning law requires that applications for planning permission be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise
Para 8- achieving sustainable development. Economic, social and environmental.
Para 11- Presumption in favour of sustainable development
42 Pre-application
57- viability and the need for them to be made publicly available
56- Use of planning obligations must meet the CIL regs 122 test
96- access to high quality spaces
123- Optimise use of land
124- Creation of high quality buildings
174 enhance biodiversity
What scale should a site plan be?
1:200 or 1:500
What is an outline planning permission?
As defined in s92 of the TCPA 1990 it is an application with the reservation for subsequent approval by the LPA of matters not particularized in the application
How long do you have to submit a reserved matters ?
Three Years
After the RM, how long do you have to commence works?
Two years
How long does it typically take to determine an application?
Householder: 8 weeks
Non material amendment: 28 days
Material amendment: 8 weeks
Major application: 13 weeks
EIA applications: 16 weeks
If application is not determined within 26 weeks then application can be appealed under non determination
What is the typical consultation timescale for a planning application ?
3 weeks / 21 days
What is the importance on 5 year housing supply ?
Where councils can’t demonstrate this five year supply, national planning policy, rather than local planning rules take precedence. National policy states there should be a “presumption in favour of sustainable development” for housing.
This means that if a site can be considered to deliver ‘sustainable development’ then planning permission should be granted, even if there is no support from the council for housing in that location or the site sits outside the Local Plan.