Health and Safety Flashcards
When was CDM introduced?
What must be submitted before a notifiable project begins on site?
F10 - found on HSE website
What is a notifiable project?
Last longer than 30 days and have more than 20 workers or exceed 500 person days
When does CDM apply?
CDM applies to all projects
What are the 6 key duty holders under CDM?
Principal designer
Principal contractor
Contractors and workers
What happens if the client fails to appoint a PC or PD under CDM?
The client must fulfil the duties of the PD or PC
What is required before a construction phase begins under CDM?
Construction Phase Plan
What should the client receive at the end of the project?
A health and safety file - the onerous is on the client. Should be reviewed through out the project.
Name a time you influenced H&S?
I worked through a Design Workshop with all the contractors we were working with alongside our PD. We reviewed risks throughout the design and in use for the scheme and looked at ways of designing these out at the earliest stage.
What employers must do under Health & safety at Work Act 1974?
What employers must do for you
1 Decide what could harm you in your job and the precautions to stop it. This is part ofrisk assessment.
2 In a way you can understand, explain how risks will be controlledand tell you who is responsible for this.
3 Consult and work with youand your health and safety representatives in protecting everyone from harm in the workplace.
4 Give you the health and safety trainingyou need to do your job.
5 Provide you with any equipment and protectiveclothing you need, and ensure it is properly looked after.
6 Provide toilets, washing facilities and drinking water.
7 Provide adequate first-aid facilities.
8 Report major injuries and fatalities at work
9 Have insurance that covers you in case you get hurt at work or ill through work.
10 Work with any other employers or contractors sharing the workplace
What employees must do under Health & safety at Work Act 1974?
What you must do
1 Follow the trainingyou have received when using any work items your employer has given you.
2 Take reasonable care of your own and other people’s health and safety.
3 Co-operate with your employer on health and safety.
4 Tell someone if you think the work or inadequate precautions are putting anyone’s health and safety at serious risk.
How do you complete a Risk Assessment?
•Identify hazards
•Identify people at risk from hazards
•Evaluate risk -likelihood & severity. Existing controls reviewed.
•Record findings
•Review regularly
What is RIDDOR?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
What must be done under RIDDOR?
•Report injuries over 7 days incapacitation within 15 days of injury
•3 day injuries must be recorded, keep in accident book for 3 years
What RICS document covers H&S?
RICS Surveying safely: health and safety principles for property professionals2018 (GN)
What are the key provisions of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974?
○Duty for employers to ensure the H&S of employees
○H&S Executive -HSE -H&S file on site
○Report injuries and dangerous occurrences -complete risk assessments
What does Surveying safely: health and safety principles for property professionals cover?
1 Personal responsibilities for RICS members and corporate
responsibilities for RICS-regulated firms
2 Relevance to RICS professional groups
3 Assessing hazards and risks
4 RICS members’ places of work
5 Occupational hygiene and health
6 Visiting premises or sites
7 Fire safety
8 Residential property surveying
9 General procurement and management of contractors
What is the ‘safe person’ concept?
RICS considers the concept of a ‘safe person’ to mean
that each individual assumes individual behavioural
responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’
health and safety while at work.
What must a firm do under Surveying Safety?
RICS-regulated firms are obliged to ensure the health,
safety and welfare of people at work by providing,
monitoring and maintaining:
• a safe working environment
• safe work equipment
• safe systems of work and
• competent staff.
What does CSCS stand for?
Construction Skills Certification Scheme
What is RIDDOR and what is important about it?
Reporting Injuries diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations (1995)
Have to report incidents if a worker is out of work for 7 days
Report to HSE within 15 days
Keep on record 3 years
What are the key principles of the RICS guidance on Health and Safety?
Guidance note sets out basic, good practice principles for the management of health and safety for RICS-regulated firms and RICS members.
Discusses risk control
Basic, Good practice principles for the management of health and safety for RICS regulated firms and members.
Principles for those engaged in the build environment as property professionals and includes health and safety responsibilities at a corporate level or level as individual RICS member.
What is HSE’s guidance to Risk Assessments?
Identify the Hazard
The people at Risk
Evaluating the risk, considering likelihood of any severity.
Recording the findings
Review the risk assessment regularly.
Who policies the Health and safety Act?
Health and safety executive
What is the difference between a hazard and a risk?
A hazard is something that can cause harm, e.g. electricity, chemicals, working up a ladder, noise, a keyboard, a bully at work, stress, etc.
A risk is the chance, high or low, that any hazard will actually cause somebody harm
What steps have you taken to implement health and safety at work?
I have arranged a health and safety in design workshop for Sherwood Close Phase III. For this, I invited all consultants involved in the design of the scheme together to discuss the various risks across the project both in construction and in use. The outcome from this meeting was an updated Designer Risk Assessment Register that contained all the specific risk to Sherwood Close; these were reviewed with mitigations suggested by the various consultants and internal teams. These changes were then implemented at the next design stage.
What do you do before visiting site?
Whilst attending any site I ensure I follow all Health & Safety requirements including wearing correct PPE and signing in and out.
Let others know of my whereabouts, follow any site introductions, adhere to signs / any laid out foot paths