Planning Flashcards
* Identify the importance of session and seasonal plans * Design and deliver a single session plan *Design a season plan * Use the self-evaluation questionnaire and reflect on your own coaching
fill in the blanks for the planning process model

Step 0 - Know the Sport
Step 1- Determine the Goal
Step 2-Know the athlete
Step 3-Plan to Bridge Difference
Step 4-Execute the Plan
Step 5- Review the assessment outcome against the plan

How to know the athletes?
Observation, Interview, Test
What the different types of Goals?
Process goals
Performance goals
Outcome goals
To make your goal S.M.A.R.T., it needs to conform to the following criteria:
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely
To bridge the gap difference of athlete and goals, it needs to take into account FOCUS PROGESSION. Focus is represented by Learning factor and Adaptation factor. Name the elements in Learning factor that will affect performace:
Technical (development of motor skills)
Tactical (development of plans and strategies)
Psychological (mental, emotional conditions of athlete)
How to KNOW the SPORT?
Publication, Peer learning, Formal education, Forum, Observations
What is a session plan in sport coaching?
A map details how a coach to achieve training objectives in a single session. It would have details of objectives, duration, sequence & content, resources
A well considered session plan would have the following 6 components:
- Number of athletes
- Motivation+ intention
- Available resources
- Competence +conditioning level
- Learning process+ Preference
- Training Load
Suggested by Foster (2001), this is the way to quantify Training Load:
RPE - Rate of perceived exertion-based.
It explains that training load should be perception score multipled by duration in minutes. e.g.8x40min=320 (AU)
Maximal Oxygen Uptake Test (VO2 max) described by Sinning in 1975, has been applied to measure ________
Aerobic capacity
What does it mean to have ADAPTATION in the plan to bridge the difference in the Planning Process?
Adaptation refers to the fitness attributes required to enhance sport performance.e.g. endurance, flexibility, power, speed and coordination
Identify the proper sequence in the PLANNING PROCESS and put them in order:
(Label from 0-5)
Determine the Goal
Know the sport
Know the athlete
Execute the Plan
Plan to Bridge Differences
Execute the Plan
Review the assessment outcome against the plan
there are 2 answers as the sequence for Step 1 and Step 2 is interchangeable
2, 0, 1, 4, 3, 5
1, 0, 2, 4, 3, 5
What is Periodisation?
a long term plan; the adjustment of training as the season progresses in a logical fashion through the manipulation of the volume and intensity of training, rest and the particular skills focused upon
The following are examples of Performance Goal except one, which one?
Bench press 100kg for 1 repetition
Bowl at score of 280
Follow through when shooting a basketball
Run 100m in 11sec
Follow through when shooting a basketball (Process Goal, whereby an individual aims to achieve mastery of techniques or tactics necessary for perormance)
*Performance Goals are performance targets that an individual aims to achieve
Which 1 of the following is an Outcome Goal?
Relaxed grip when sprinting
Win First Place in the National Championship
Run 100m in 12secs
Kick with fairly straightened legs when doing flutter-kicking in water
Win First Place in the National Championship
Good luck!
And may the Force be with you ~