Planet Earth Flashcards
Natural resources- Problems
Most people travelling and using cars, using more fuel and creating more pollution
Coal and oil running out- we are using them at a great rate
When oil runs out, the world will cease to work as we rely too heavily on it and don’t have enough of alternatives
Natural resources- Solutions
Cut down on energy use
Create renewable energy sources eg wind, solar wave
Stop cutting down rainforest
Fertilise and reuse cleared areas rather than moving onto another patch
Use and Abuse of Natural Resources
Thing we use that occur naturally eg gas, oil, coal, wood
Humans use a large amount of fossil fuels, now at a faster rate
Technology means greater use of energy and resources, causing more pollution
Destruction of Habitats- Solutions
Balance human need for land with use of environment- once species gone, won’t come back
International agreements to protect areas, eg National Parks
Destruction of Habitats- Problems
Animals die and species become extinct
Rainforest contains plant species that can be used for medicine- these will be lost will continued deforestation
Trees are good for the environment- capture CO2, and provide O2 for us to breathe
Destruction of Habitats
Actions that lead to natural homes of animals being destroyed, often leading to species dying out
An example is deforestation- removal of rainforest at a dramatic speed for building, mining, cattle grazing, etc
Climate Change
Earth’s atmosphere heating up, leading to climate change
Causes ice caps to melt, which makes sea levels rise, so some land disappears under sea
Cancers increase, as more harmful rays getting to us from the Sun through the atmosphere
Climate Change Problems
Oceans get warmer, so water expands and sea levels rise, flooding cities
Severe weather- floods and droughts- lead to crops destroyed and famine
Sea life and reefs die as sea temperature rises and depth changes, so conditions are wrong for life in those areas
Animals habitats destroyed eg polar bears and ice caps melting
Climate Change Solutions
Use less energy eg switch off appliances
Find renewable energy sources
Create low carbon emission sources eg wind, wave, solar
Less pollution by recycling, using cars less etc
Everyone taking responsibility, setting targets, hitting targets
Pollution Solutions
Cut levels of toxic waste
Recycle rubbish
Use cars and planes less often, use cleaner fuels
Governments make world agreements and enforce them
Use cleaner fuels for heating and cooking
Pollution Problems
River contamination- we eat fish and get poisoned or fish die
Land covered with litter and landfill dumping sites
Air polluted by factories, cars, noise- affects human health
Beaches and sea polluted with sewage
Too much of something causes environmental problems
Acid rain- air pollution from power stations causes buildings damage
Oil spills from tankers, killing birds and sea life
Toxic chemicals spilled in rivers and on land, sometimes cause by farmers and pesticides
Sikhism and Creation
God created the world
Without God nothing exists
God keeps life going
Sense of responsibility to care for the planet
World is God’s- we have a duty to care for it
Shows respect and gratitude
Act of worship to care for God’s world
If I ruin the world, I have to live in it, as well as other and our children
Be judges/ rewarded by God on how we care for the planet
Buddhists, Sikhs and Hindus- reincarnation, need the world again
Christianity and Creation
Same was Islam and Judaism
God made world from nothing in 6 days
Air, water, land, planets, sun, moon, stars and seasons
Birds and fish, animals, humans
God rested on 7th day- He was pleased and the Earth was good