Early Life Flashcards
Reasons for 24 week time limit
Test for disability don’t come until 24 weeks
Lots of women change their minds
Long waits in the NHS- up to 8 weeks
Discovery of pregnancy- gives women time to think
Why women may not want children
Economic poverty Age Abuse or rape Medical conditions or past considerations eg stillbirth Profession- job, house Mental illness No support Existing children
Conditions for Abortion- Reasons
Mental or physical health of mother
Severe disability of foetus
Negative effect on existing children
Definition of an Abortion
Deliberate termination of a pregnancy- usually before 24 weeks
Religious Teachings
‘God created man in His image’
Sanctity of life- our lives have value because God created us
‘Do not kill’- abortion may be seen as murder
‘You knit me together in my mother’s womb’- God’s plan, everyone is unique and has potential
Compassion- abortion can be the most loving thing to do
Reasons for 12 week time limit
Easier process Less abortions Baby not viable Less trauma for mother More acceptable for medical staff People often lose babies in 1st trimester
Pro Choice
Women carry baby, right to choose- her health more important
Life does not begin until birth, or at least viability
Adoption gruelling for mother
Special circumstances eg rape or lack of support from family
If abortion made illegal, dangerous backstreet ones reappear
Can be cruel to bring severely disabled children into the world
Already too many people in the world- why bring unwanted children
Right of Medical Staff
Right to withdraw from performing an abortion- only procedure you can do so with
Right to a clear conscience- ethical choices
Roman Catholics and Methodists
RC- oppose all abortion- equality, aborting for disability wrong as babies are a precious blessing. Rape- punishing child for father’s sins is wrong
M- compassion if child would be in severe pain, value of mother’s life above foetus. They do not like abortion, but see it as necessary to save mother’s life
Pro-Life Group- Abort 67
Shows images of aborted foetuses to general public
Very controversial
Protest outside abortion clinics, universities, on streets
Aims- show people what aborted foetuses look like, think it is inhumane and wrong
Pro Life
Babies put up for abortion for couples who can’t have them
Every child is unique and should fulfil their potential
Abortion is murder as foetus is a separate being and feels pain
Abortion used to get out of taking responsibility for actions
Disabled people can have a good quality of life
Foetuses should be given protection before birth
Women may suffer guilt or depression after an abortion
Rights of the Father
Cannot force an abortion/no abortion
No legal rights
Morally, the father has rights- ideally a joint decision
Giving father rights open to debate- abuse, rape
Long lawsuits delay abortions
Father has to finance child
Rights of the Unborn
Unique human being- own DNA
Protection- can’t speak for itself
Woman voluntarily has unprotected sex- responsibly to care for child
Right to life- potential
Not to be punished for people’s mistakes
Right to safety- after 24w, murder is destruction of foetus, not called murder- some people see this as wrong
Right of the Mother
Right to choose- her life, her body, health, freedom- she has final say
Right to safety- pre 1967, risk health- 1967 pragmatic approach to stop women dying
Right to equal opportunity- abortion gives women equality in jobs, society, education. Some say if abortion were more difficult, firms forced to provide childcare
Sanctity of Life
Life is sacred because it is God-given
Life, because of this, is precious and valuable and should not be destroyed
God makes life, so only God should take it away
Pro-Choice Group- Abortion Rights UK
Pro choice group in the UK
Want abortion on demand
Oppose do fora consent- slows the process
Holds protests and campaigns, tries to stop pro-life protests
N.I.- Savita Halappavanar- want legal abortion, would have saved her
Can be painful- attachment between mother and child
Full stop- don’t know what happens to child afterwards
Mothers get more time to decide now
Most happen within family eg stepdad
Law- parents fully checked out
Children get birth certificate at 18- may find birth parents
Religions follow laws of country- though Muslims believe in blood ties, so foster more than adopt
Keeping the Baby
Housing and social benefits
Father has legally to finance the child
Socially acceptable to be a single mum in today’s society
Women may get family help
Previously, unmarried women had to give up children for adoption
Mother places child in temporary foster family
Often until she is able to look after the child herself
Babies as Miracles
1 in 4 couples have trouble conceiving
Starts off a something so tiny
Lots of things could go wrong during pregnancy
Abortion Act 1967
Two doctors have to agree
Must be in a hospital or clinic
In emergencies, second opinion not needed
No time limit if foetus is severely disabled or mother in danger
In 1967, time limit 28 weeks- 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act changed to 24 weeks, as point of viability changed
Children in well of families
Domestic abuse Neglect Disability Parent's jobs- resent child for limiting career Alienated from society
Quality of Life
Measure of fulfilment
Could be-
-equality -health -education -happiness -security
-financially -freedom -fulfil potential -opportunity
Why couples may want children
To carry on family name and religion
To fulfil marriage promises and ‘complete’ family
As an expression of the couple’s love
Religious duty to accept gift of life from God
When does life begin?
Conception When the foetus has a backbone- clear shape When it develops a heart Point of viability Birth- wholly separated from mother
Human fertilisation and Embryology Act
Mainly about fertility treatment and embryo research
Reduce time limit to 24 weeks- advances in medical knowledge about gestation and change in point of viability
In reality, most abortions take place in first twelve weeks of pregnancy