Plain bearings Flashcards
Friction bearings or journal bearings are another name for:
plain bearings
This type of bearing has no rolling elements.
plain bearings
Plain bearings can either be 1._____________ bearings to support radial loads or 2._______________ bearings to support axial loads.
- journal
- thrust
What is the function of plain bearings?
to hold the journal in the required location and support the intended load
What is another name for a thrust load?
an axial load
The _______________ is the part of the shaft in contact with a bearing.
On a plain bearing, a shaft collar is used in conjunction with a ___________ bearing.
What are shaft collars also known as?
thrust collar and runners
How can axial force be controlled in both directions when using a plain thrust bearing?
by using one collar sandwiched between two thrust bearings
What is the term bearing, or journal bearing used to describe when talking about plain bearings?
the bushing or shell that fits around the outside of the journal
True or false:
The term bearing typically describes a radial type of load.
- generally the axial or thrust component would be mentioned
What type of bearing is used to locate a shaft in a specific axial position without interfering with the shafts rotation?
a thrust bearing
What two components make up linear bearings?
- guide or rail
- bushing or carriage
Why are bearings usually made of softer materials than the shaft journals that they support?
to make the bearing the sacrificial component
What material are shaft journals usually made of?
the same material as the shaft, just machined to a tighter tolerance
True or false:
Bearing material must be strong enough to support the shaft loads at minimum operating temperatures.
at maximum operating temperatures
What effect does wear resistance have on the compressive strength of a bearing?
wear resistance ↓ = compressive strength ↑
This type of bearing resistance is resistance to cracking and flaking by loads that increase and decrease in rapid cycles.
fatigue resistance
How is fatigue resistance of a journal bearing increased?
by keeping the liner material as thin as possible to allow the backing to absorb the stresses
When it comes to bearings, what is embeddability?
how well the bearing material handles contaminants without failing
True or false:
A bearing material with high embeddability allows abrasive contaminants to become embedded into the bearing material.
What effect does compressive strength have on the embeddability of a bearing material?
compressive strength ↑ = embeddability ↓
This journal bearing material characteristic allows the material to yield to misalignment or imperfections in the shaft.
When referring to the conformability of bearing material, this is referring to:
the deformability
conformability = deformability
________________ ensures that all parts of a plain bearing carry a share of the load.
When referring to a bearing, what is wettability?
the ability to retain a film of lubricant
Why is it a good for a plain bearing to have good thermal conductivity?
allows for the rapid transfer of heat (due to fluid friction) out of the oil, preventing local hot spots that cause seizure
What can happen if bearing materials are not compatible with the journal?
wear can be adhesive in nature, so if the materials are not compatible, they will wear excessively during times when there is less then full film lubrication
When it comes to bearings, what is white metal alloy?
What 4 metals make up Babbitt?
- tin
- lead
- copper
- antimony
Babbitt has _____________ compressive strength.
Babbitt has _____________ embeddability.
Babbitt has _____________ conformability.
Babbitt has _____________ wettability.
Babbitt has ____________ thermal conductivity.
Babbitt has ____________ corrosion resistance.
Babbitt has _____________ bondability.
When a bearing material is said to have good bondability, what does that mean?
the material forms a good metallurgical bond to the backing material
What is one of the main advantages of Babbitt?
low cost
What is the main limitation of Babbitt?
low fatigue resistance
_____________ is used for light duty bushings and is also used in a bronze matrix for extra strength.
What are the 3 advantages of Teflon in plain bearings?
- self-lubricating
- chemically inert (chemical resistant)
- used with soft journals
What are the 3 disadvantages of Teflon in plain bearings?
- temperature limitations (will burn if it gets too hot)
- emits poisonous gas when burned
- absorbs water (not suitable for submerged bearings)
1.What does the aluminum/tin alloy bearing material consist of?
2. What is the purpose of the above components?
- free tin in an aluminum matrix
- tin = bearing material, aluminum = strength
Why was the aluminum/silicone bearing material created?
for extra strength
What is the main advantage of aluminum/tin and aluminum/silicone when compared to Babbitt?
higher load rating
What are the main limitations of aluminum/tin and aluminum/silicone when compared to Babbitt?
less embeddability and conformability
What material property ensures that the journal and bearing to not weld together?
What 4 things determine the type and design of a bearing?
- load
- machine speed
- installation requirements
- cost
What are the 3 most common radial loads?
- stationary load
- oscillating load
- reciprocating load
___________ radial loads are present on the bearings supporting a horizontal rotor.
With this type of radial load, the load supporting lubricant film will stay in one area of the bearing.
stationary load
With a _____________ load, the load generally acts in one direction and on one area of the bearing.
This type of radial load shifts through an arc less than 180 degrees.
oscillating load
What types of radial loads have a thinner, stronger fluid film than a stationary load?
oscillating and reciprocating
This type of radial load shifts 180 degrees, from one side of the bearing to the other.
reciprocating load
What 2 configurations do journal bearings come in?
- split
- bushing
What is the most common overlay on a split bearing?
This type of radial bearing consists of a flexible thin shell overlay on a steel backing inserted into a very strong housing
split bearing
True or false:
Split bearings can have intermediate layers of material to bond the overlay to the backing.
What are the main application of split bearings?
automotive engines
True or false:
Split bearings have low load capacities.
they have very high load capacities
Which type of radial bearing fits into a more compact housing: split or bushings?
This type of bearing is available in oversize and undersize, which allows grinding of the journal for reuse.
split bearings
Plain and spherical seats are found on what type of plain bearing?
thick walled split bearings
What are 2 advantages of spherical seat bearings?
- simplified alignment
- minimizes edge loading
The load direction on plain bushings is normally radial. What must happen for a bushing to be able to handle an axial load?
it must be flanged and used with thrust washers
True or false:
The load and speed capacity of split bearings is greater than that of bushings.
they are comparable
What is a wrapped bushing?
a bushing made of a thin steel shell lined with soft bearing material
What are the 2 advantages of wrapped bushings?
- high fatigue strength
- available in pre-finished sizes that are oversized until installed (compressed)
Why must pre-finished bushing be limited to lightly loaded, non-critical applications?
because there will be a variation in the diameter after installation (compression will not be even along the bushing length)