Places to Know Flashcards
Aral Sea
Is now a public health hazard - was made to be an artificial lake but it shrank and changed climate around it - in Middle East
Killed tens of thousands - gas menthyl escaped from an insecticide plant
Nuclear accident in Ukraine where a reactor exploded - mass radiation
Three Gorges Dam
Dam erodes area around it, putting too much sediment into the Yangtze river - causes landslides/earthquakes (China)
Florida Everglades
subtropical wetland zone home to many species - humans are harming it
Love Canal (Niagara Falls)
An electrochemical company, Hooker, dumped hazardous chemicals and contaminated soil/groundwater
Minamata Bay, Japan
Released mercury into a bay that went into fish, and then humans, caused disease
Ogallala Aquifer (South Dakota/Texas)
Huge underground reservoir that humans heavily depend on, but it is depleting
3 mile island, Pennsylvania
Cooling water failed and released radiation
Grand Banks, Newfoundland Canada
Fishing ground - overfishing - caused ban on cod fishing
BP Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico
Oil rig exploded, mass oil spill
Cuyahoga River, Ohio
River caught on fire because of extreme pollution - led to Clean Water Act
Alberta Tar Sands, Canada,
Tar sands are good for profit but harmful to the economy
Fukushima, Japan
Extreme radiation because of power loss, affecting water, food, ocean - forced thousands to relocate
Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Abandoned nuclear waste site, Nuclear waste policy
Ring of Fire
Active volcanoes/earthquakes, good for research on tectonics
Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone
Almost no oxygen, almost no species - costs mass amounts of money in fish
Svalbard Global Seed Bank
Storage facility for millions of seeds - ultimate contingency if we lose crops
Muruntau Mine
One of the biggest deposits of gold
Appalachian Mountains Coal Deposits
Mass coal production
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Extreme oil spill in 1989 destroying mass amounts of wildlife and communities
Flint Water Crisis
Michigan - lead in water - led to change in policy and citizen advocated
Kuwaiti Oil Fires
Iraqi troops set more than 600 tanks on fire and decreased petroleum - affecting economy
The Gulf Stream
Strong current of warm water that regulates temperature
Fertile Crescent - Middle East
Abundance of water - cradle of civilization
Keystone Pipeline Path
transports crude oil