Placenta Function Flashcards
When does the placenta develop?
Second week of development
Of which membrane is the placenta a specialisation of ?
Chorionic membrane
Briefly describe which layers are present during the week of 2s
Outer cell mass :syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast
Inner cell mass : epiblast and hypoblast
Amniotic cavity and yolk sac
When does implantation begins ?
Day 6
At initial contact between endometrium and trophoblast
What is the connecting stalk made of ?
Extraembryonic mesoderm
What happens to the yolk sac during development ?
Disappears, incorporated in proximal umbilical cord
What happens to the amniotic sac ?
Enlarges and surround all of the foetus , occupies all the chorionic cavity
What happens to the chorionic cavity ?
Is occupied by the amniotic sac
What does implantation achieve ?
- Establishes the unit of exchange :villi
- Anchor the placenta
- Establish maternal blood flow to placenta
How do the villi develop ?
Primary villi : finger like projections of trophoblast
Secondary villi : invasion of mesenchyme into core
Tertiary villi : invasion of mesenchyme by fetal vessels
Does the maternal and foetal circulation mix ?
No never,
Separated by at least one layer of trophoblast
What is a chorionic villus ?
Basic unit of exchange , finger like projection of trophoblast containing fetal vessels
Which defect in placental implantation can occur ?
The wrong place : ectopic , placenta praevia
Incomplete invasion :
Placental insufficiency , pre eclampsia
How is invasion during implantation controlled ?
In presence of the conceptus, the endometrium becomes the decidua and the decidua leader reaction balance the invasive force
What is a cotyledon ?
Bulging villus area , surface covered by decidua basalis from uterine wall
Derived from foetal and mother tissue