Placement of an Advanced Airway Device Flashcards
When manual airway maneuvers are unsuccessful or when continued maintenance of an open airway is necessary, the use of ____ is the next step
artificial airway
_______ is the most frequently used artificial airway device
OPA indications
1) Casualty who are unable to maintain their airway.
2) casualty whose tongue continues to fall into the back of pharynx causing airway obstruction.
3) To assist in improving ventilation in patient’s that are being ventilated with a BVM.
4)It also prevents an intubated casualty from biting an ET tube.
OPA contraindications
Casualty who is conscious or semiconscious
________ is a soft rubber or latex uncuffed tube that is designed to conform to the patient’s natural nasopharyngeal curvature.
Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA).
The NPA cannot be used if what?
basilar skull fracture is suspected
How do you determine the proper length of the NPA
patient’s nose to the earlobe
_____ is the preferred supraglottic airway because it makes it simpler to use and avoids the need for cuff inflation and monitoring.
The i-gel
If an unconscious casualty without direct airway trauma needs an airway intervention, but does not tolerate a supraglottic airway, consider the use of what?
nasopharyngeal airway
For casualties with trauma to the face and mouth, or facial burns with suspected inhalation injury, nasopharyngeal airways and supraglottic airways may not suffice what may be required?
surgical cricothyroidotomy
the primary advantage of the i-gel is what?
No need to fill the cuff with air and no need to monitor cuff pressure after inflation and with altitude changes
Surgical cricothyroidotomies should be not be performed on unconscious casualties who have no direct airway trauma unless what?
use of a nasopharyngeal airway and/or a supraglottic airway have been unsuccessful
According to ATLS preferred definitive airway is _______ through the mouth using direct laryngoscopy
tracheal intubation
Indications what what airway?
(a) Casualty who is unable to protect their airway.
(b) Casualty with significant oxygenation problem, requiring administration of high concentrations of oxygen.
(c) Casualty with significant impairment in ventilation requiring assisted ventilation.
(d) Cardiac arrest.
(e) Severe hemorrhagic shock.
Endotracheal Intubation
ETI Contraindications
(a) Patient with epiglottitis
(b) Lack of training in technique.
(c) Lack of proper indications.
(d) Obstruction of the upper airway due to foreign objects.
(e) Cervical fracture
_____ is the “Universally Accepted” size for an unknown victim
7.5 mm
The insertion of the endotracheal tube should be no longer than _______ from the time you stop ventilating the patient until the time you remove the stylet.
30 seconds
What Advanced airway device?
-is a blind insertion airway device (BIAD) often used in the pre- hospital, emergency setting.
-It consists of a cuffed, double-lumen tube that is inserted into the patient’s airway facilitating ventilation.
-It is designed to facilitate the placement of an advanced airway in a patient in respiratory distress by providers with minimal training.
What is the main advantage of the Combitube™ over
endotracheal intubation?
simplicity of placement
Indication for what airway?
(a) Ventilation in normal and abnormal airways.
(b) Failed intubation.
(c) Airway management in trapped patients.
Combitube™ Contraindications.
(a) Patients with intact gag reflexes.
(b) Patients with known esophageal pathology.
(c) Used in patients under 5 feet with standard Combitube™, under 4 feet withCombitube™ SA (small adult).
There is an established role for the ______ in the treatment of patients with difficult airways, particularly if attempts at endotracheal intubation or bag mask ventilation have failed.
laryngeal mask airway (LMA)
The LMA does provide a definitive airway and proper placement of this device is easy without appropriate training.
The LMA does not provide a definitive airway, and placement of this device is difficult
Indication what what Airway?
When unable to perform endotracheal intubation and the casualty cannot be ventilated using a BVM device.
LMA Contraindications
1) When endotracheal intubation can be performed.
2) Insufficient training
The LMA completely prevents regurgitation and protects the trachea
does not
_______ is a supraglottic airway device with capabilities similar to those of the LMA to provide successful patient ventilation.
Laryngeal Tube Airway (LTA).
The LTA is not a definitive airway device and plans to provide a definitive airway are necessary.
The LMA and LTA indications and contraindications are the same
The laryngeal tube may be displaced during……
repositioning the patient’s head and neck
_________ involves the creation of a surgical opening in the cricothyroid membrane, which lies between the larynx (thyroid cartilage) and the cricoid cartilage.
Surgical Cricothyrotomy
The primary purpose of a cricothyroidotomy is to provide an emergency breathing passage for a patient whose airway is closed by what issues?
(a) Traumatic injury to the neck;
(b )By burn inhalation injuries;
(c) By closing of the airway due to an allergic reaction to bee or wasp stings;
(d) Or by unconsciousness.
Cricothyrotomy is considered what in prehospital airway management?
Last resort
two basic types of cricothyroidotomy
-Needle Cricothyrotomy
-Surgical Cricothyrotomy
Surgical Cricothyrotomy should never be the initial airway control method unless the patient has suffered from what?
C Spine injury and/or mid face injury
Indications what what airway?
(1) Massive midface trauma precluding the use of BVM device.
(2) Inability to control the airway using less invasive maneuvers.
(3) Ongoing tracheobronchial hemorrhage
Contraindications for Cricothyrotomy:
(1) Any casualty who can be safely intubated, either orally or nasally.
(2) Casualties with laryngotracheal injuries.
(3) Children under 10 years of age.
(4) Casualties with acute laryngeal disease of traumatic or infectious origin.
(5) Insufficient training
- A surgical cricothyroidotomy can be left in place for how long?
2.should be replaced within that time period by a ______ performed in a higher level of care.
- 24 hours
- formal tracheotomy