Place-making Flashcards
Why do neighbourhoods matter?
- stage for everyday life
- a place to feel at home (identity)
- provision of amenities
- social cohesion and support
- fertile ground for collective action
New urbanism
US movement to counter sprawl. Places should have soul.
- walkable
- high quality public space
- community facilities
- diversity of functions
- architecture with an eye for the history of the place
Why are neighbourhoods cornerstones for responding to climate change?
- change consumption patterns
- affordable living
- promote community building
Effects of covid on neighbourhoods?
- sidewalk ballet: wider sidewalks
- green explosion
- co-work spaces
- density with distance (gardens)
- social connection
- booming city logistics
Urban block
- privately developed
- limited role for local authorities
- organically structured
Pre-war closed building blocks
Result of first housing associations. To uplift the working class
Village-like/garden city
Village in the city. To uplift the working class. Provided by factory owners
Post-war reconstruction
CIAM and Le Corbusier. Extreme division of functions
Cauliflower neighbourhoods
Really planned. Big sense of community. Developed for families
Difficult to enter with cars
Post-industrial brownfield development
Old industrial sites revitalised
Geographical definition of neighbourhood
Proximity to home
Integral socio-spatial perspective on neighbourhood
The social organization of an area
Effects of neighbourhoods for residents
- social-cultural mechanisms
- environmental mechanisms
- geographical mechanisms
- institutional mechanisms
Update the neighbourhood that can cause some social groups to move out
Culture is not given but produced all the time. Culture has a big influence on the way of living.
Authenticity: creating an experience of origin.
The unique sense of a place is missing
How people experience and use it
Material things you can see in a place
Place poverty
The place is materiality poor
Modernist urban planning
Rational way of planning places with that there’s a scientific solution to what people need
Leads to cookie cutter planning
What material elements shape the perceptions of people?
- path
- edges
- districts
- nodes
- landmarks
Scientific proof that people don’t behave in predictable manner
The build environment has an influence on people’s lives. It should be targeted to human lives and interactions
Focus on small spaces and small interventions:
- sociability
- comfort & image
- access & linkages
- uses & activities
Critique on placemaking
- not everything can be seen as placemaking
- it was used as a mechanism to attract high income groups (gentrification)
- comes down to power
- are small initiatives enough to fix big problems?
Fleeting encounters Meaningful encounters (the way to break prejudice)