Globalisation Flashcards
- competition
- market-mechanism
Everything will be more efficient and cheaper. Politicians leave the market alone and will only go in if there’s a market failure
A process of global (economic) integration
- demising the national market
- free trade (neo-liberal hegemony)
- global law
- freedom of enterprise
- redistribution of production, consumption and investment patterns
Leads to interdependency. It becomes more important to understand the external forces
Agglomeration of economies and innovative environments in certain cities (global power of a city)
Global cities: cities that have power of globalisation and are influential in the global economy.
Competitive position of a city is decided by the integration of the city in the global economy.
Space of flows
Visualization of all the interactions.
The agglomeration of flows shows that some places are more connected than others.
Space of place
The physical things that are there.
Where a space of place and space of flows interacts
More touch-points on top of each other
The power of the space of flows. How the space of flows influences cities
Global hierarchy: how influential a city is depends on how big the city is and what aspect you’re looking at.
Facilitators facilitate the city.
Firms are places where flows go through. Cities are connected through firms. More firms = more influential city.
Challenges for cities
- maximise share of global glows (vulnerability)
- maximise the benefit of the flow (negative side-effects)
- competition
- collaborations
- cities can disagree with national governments
Inter-urban competition
Cities compete to maintain or improve their position within the emerging global hierarchy of cities.
- advantages by space of flows
- conflict with space of place (contested)
- interdependency of cities due to economic globalisation
What do cities compete for?
- government projects
- infrastructure projects
- inhabitants
- visitors
- flagships
- mega-events
- talent
- investments
- business locations
- institutional locations
Helping indigenous entrepreneur succeed is the best way to help the urban poor.
Growth is good (Molotch), but it can be bad for the environment, traffic congestion and unemployment
Creative class: Economic class whose economical function is to inform its members socio-cultural choices.
Big spenders. Contribution to economic growth so develop for this class.
- individuality
- tolerance
- networking
Gross Domestic Product (value of the flows produced by an economy)
Gross Value Added (ignores taxation and subsidies)
Activity rate
Proportion of the population or working age population who contribute to the working force
Unemployment rate
- more older people
- more unemployment
Dependency ratio
Ratio of the total population to the economically (in)active population
Wage rate
Amount paid for a certain type of job (decided by national pay bargaining or market forces)
Purchasing power
Amount of goods and services that can be purchased with a certain amount of money
Economic (export) base analysis
How much income an area earns elsewhere (basic industries, non-basic industries)
Location quotients
Area’s proportionate share of some economic activity compared to the average
Multiplier effect
Economic growth by growth in a particular sector