Place key terms Flashcards
a location with meaning - to individuals
and groups (personal meaning and
social/cultural meaning)
aspects that don’t change or change very
slowly within a place to link past, present
and future
Qualitative data
information that is non-numerical and used
in an unstructured and open-ended way -
interviews, focus groups, artistic
depictions, photographs (may be coded
and then can be analysed in a quantitative
Coded data
qualitative data which is turned into
numerical data eg using a scale of 1-10 to
judge opinion
Quantitative data
data that can be quantified and verified
and can be manipulated and analysed
statistically to extract meaning
someone who knows a place very well
with a detailed knowledge and
understanding of that place. Shares
cultural norms with people
someone does not know a place well or
does not feel part of that community and
feels isolated by people that live there.
Far place
a place that is distant physically or
significantly different so that it is socially or
culturally not in the experience of a person
Near place
a place that is close by and/or one with
which there could be affinity
Media places
a place that is known from only books,
films, music , TV and has never been visited
Experienced place
a place that is known because someone is
a resident or visitor
Endogenous factors
The characteristics of a place itself and
factors which have originated within the
place (internally) - location, physical
geography, land use, population, economy,
built environment
Exogenous factors
The characteristics of a place based on
the relationship of this place with other
places and the external factors affecting
this such as flows of people, resources,
money and investment
where a place physically is on map or on
the ground eg it’s map coordinates
the place where something happens or is
set or has particular events associated
with it
the arrangement of the human and
physical features of an area
Physical geography
the arrangement of the human and
physical features of an area
Land use
the way land surfaces are used (and how
this changes over time) eg built upon, set
aside as parks, agricultural land, transport
links built over land etc
Built environment
the human-made surroundings that
provide the setting for human activity &
daily life, ranging from buildings to parks
the essential services to enable or
enhance living conditions such as
transport systems, communications, water
supply, sewers, energy supply, education
and health services, local government, law
enforcement and emergency services
Demographic characteristics
the features of a population in a place
such as the age, gender, income,
economic characteristics
the features of a place such as the
dominant industrial sector , employment
rates, types of local employment, the level
of business activity - usually described
through statistics and focused on money
Local scale
detailed, small scale and focused on a
specific place
Regional scale
an overview of places within a connected
area eg economically connected,
physically connected, politically connected
such as counties in the UK
Global scale
operating worldwide and having
connecting effects around the world
Social inequalitys
the existence of unequal opportunities and
rewards for different people and groups in
society when resources are distributed
Flows of people
the movement of people from place to
place for social, economic, political,
environmental reasons and which
operates at different scales and time
frames eg short-term migration,
emigration/immigration, commuting each
day, tourism
Flows of resources
the movement of materials needed for
living from place to place eg movement of
coal from mining places to power
generation sites, movement of car parts
from manufacturers to assembly factories,
movement of crops from farms to shops
Flow of investment
the movement of money that is going to be
used to create new resources and
businesses that will then generate
economic activity
Flow of ideas
the movement of cultural ideas and norms
from place to place eg ideas of religion,
ideas of entertainment, ideas of health and welfare etc