Pityriasis Versicolor (YEAST) Flashcards
Pityriasis versicolor is a common yeast infection. Which of the following cause this?
1 - Malassezia furfur
2 - Varicella zoster virus
3 - Herpes simplex virus
4 - Trichophyton
1 - Malassezia furfur
- part of normal skin flora, commensal yeast
Which of the following matches the description of how Pityriasis versicolor presents?
1 - erythematous macule
2 - papules with a central umbilication, which are up to 5 mm in diameter
3 - brown, white or red oval and polycyclic thin follicular plaques with fine scales on the surface
4 - well defined polycyclic red plaques with fine scales
3 - brown, white or red oval and polycyclic thin follicular plaques with fine scales on the surface
Where does pityriasis versicolor typically present on the skin?
1 - mid-chest
2 - back
3 - neck
4 - folds areas
5 - all of the above
5 - all of the above
- essentially areas which remain moist
- affects those who sweat more
Is pityriasis versicolor more common in cold or warm climates?
- warm climates
Does pityriasis versicolor typically present with symptoms?
- no
- patients are asymptomatic
Patients with pityriasis versicolor are typically asymptomatic. However, which of the following can be used if the patient becomes symptomatic?
1 - anti fungal body wash
2 - oral anti fungal
3 - topical anti fungal
4 - all of the above
4 - all of the above