Pituitary adenomas Flashcards
what two hormones are chronically raised by Cushing’s disease?
what are the three conditions caused by pituitary adenomas that we need to know about?
give four causes of Cushing’s syndrome?
you’ve done a low dose dexamethasone suppression test and the patient has high/normal cortisol. You then give a high dose of dexamethasone and measure ACTH to be low. what’s the source of their high cortisol levels?
low ACTH = adrenal adenoma
- dexamethasone suppresses cortisol production AND ACTH production
(if high ACTH, ectopic source such as small cell lung cancer as its production of ACTH is unaffected by the dexamethasone)
what’s an alternative test that can be used to test for Cushing’s?
24-hour urinary free cortisol
what are the three key effects of excess GH in acromegaly?
what four investigations can be used to investigate for acromegaly?
what three groups of medicines can be used to treat acromegaly?
give an example of a GH antagonist used to treat acromegaly?
give two types of drugs that block GH release and example of each.
what ratio does hyperprolactinaemia effect women to men?
what ages does hyperprolactinaemia usually present?
what are the three roles of prolactin?
what inhibits and what stimulates the release of prolactin?
what are the two most common causes of prolactinoma?
what’s the diagnostic criteria for prolactinoma?
what drug type can be used to combat prolactinoma?
three symptoms of prolactinoma in females?
three symptoms of prolactinoma in males?