Pitt Flashcards
William Pitt became the youngest Prime Minister (aged 24) in what year?
Pitt was in government in 1789 when what famous European event took place, inspiring the later Irish rebellion?
The French Revolution
When did the French declare war on Britain?
In 1791 a group demanding a secular Irish republic formed to oppose Pitt and the British government. What was the name of this group?
The Society of United Irishmen
Which group formed in 1795 in response to the Society of United Irishmen and were loyal to the crown?
The Orange Order
In 1793 which act was passed that allowed most Catholics to vote and hold civil and military posts?
The Catholic Relief Act
Who were the Society of United Irishmen led by?
Wolfe Tone (Protestant lawyer)
When was the Irish rebellion, led by Wolfe Tone?
In June 1798 the Irish rebellion is crushed at which battle?
The battle of Vinegar Hill
How many men died in the Irish rebellion?
Give two arguments for the failure of the Irish rebellion.
The lack of coordination and strategy planning Amon the 100,000 men.
The bad weather which prevented French forces from supporting the rebellion in Ireland.
Pitt experiences two terms as Prime Minister, in which years?
1783-1801, 1804 - 1806
Why was the Act of Union passed in 1800?
Grattan’s parliament failed to run Ireland effectively after the rebellion and subsequent uprisings.
Was Pitt a Tory or a Whig?
The army began a crackdown on the United Irishmen in which year?
What laws were passed in order to condone British torture and harsh punishment during the rebellion?
Suspension of Habeas Corpus (right to not be detained with charge) and the declaration of martial law.
Who was King when Peel became Prime Minister in 1783?
King George III
When did Pitt first win a general election?
1784 - parliament dissolved, followed by the general election.
Why did Pitt resign in 1801?
Fierce royal opposition to his attempt to abolish restrictions on Catholicism.
When did Pitt die?
23rd January 1806