Piston Fuel Systems Flashcards
Jet A and jet A1 have the same flash point. Whats the freezing point of Jet A1?
Jet A and jet A1 have the same flash point. Whats the freezing point of Jet A?
Jet A and jet A1 have the same flash point. What is it?
Whats the freezing point of jet B?
The higher the octane rating the higher/lower the pressure can be in the cylinder?
How many degrees before top dead centre does the spark plugs ignite?
Is lean or rich likely to cause detonation?
On a multi-engine piston aircraft, one of the features of a pressure-fed fuel system is the capability to do what? To feed fuel from blank to blank.
To feed fuel from any fuel tank to any engine.
The XXX is the boundary between the aircraft fuel system and the engine
fuel system
EDP engine driven pump.
When do we use wing fuel?
Take off and landing.
What is the fuel tank at the end of a wing called?
Vent/surge tank.
Whats the refuelling pressure in jet aircraft?
What is the downside of mogas?
Most likely to cause carboreta icing
Light aircraft may have blank fuel caps.
What drives the engine driven pump in a piston engine?
When is the auxiliary fuel pump used in a piston aircraft?
Critical phases of flight.
When can you turn off the auxiliary fuel pump?
When is the engine driven pump on?
When ever the engines on because its driven by the crank shaft
What dies the change over valve do?
Choose which fuel tank.
Fuel quantity can be measured by:
- Measuring volume by varying a resistance by a float
- Measuring mass or weight by varying capacitance
The drain valve on an aircraft fuel system is used…
To take a fuel samplw
One advantage in the design of integral fuel tanks over other types of fuel tank is that they…provide the highest blank of fuel storage space.
What causes vapour lock?
Heating causing fuel vaporisation.
What design feature should a gravity fed fuel system include? The fuel tank(s) positioned above the blank.
You lose fuel indication during a flight, Pull and reset the blanks.
Pull and reset the circuit breakers
What does the capacitance fuel sensor measure?
The main task of the fuel system is to ensure that 100% of the fuel flow required in xxxxx is provided.
Critical phases of flight
Capacitance fuel sensors measure fuel mass using electricity using blank.
What are the disadvantages of bladder tanks in comparison to drum tanks? Wrinkles at the bottom can cause part of the fuel to be blank.
Using a capacitance fuel sensor, as fuel level is increased, what happens to the resistance?
What is the purpose of having a vent in a fuel filler cap?
Allow atmospheric pressure and prevent vacuum.
What are the advantages of a pressure feed fuel system? More consistent blank.
Fuel flow
What is a fuel sock?
Absorbed oxygen so fuel tanks become a nitrogen rich environment.
Which of the following is a main task of a fuel system : optimization of centre of gravity or power in house electrical equipment
optimization of centre of gravity
The safest method to prime a piston engine aircraft before starting is by injecting fuel into the blank.
Inlet manifold.
What do hydraulic hoses do?
Heat up the fuel tanks
Fuel return from the IDG is used for what?
Heating fuel.
What is the target temperature of fuel ?