PIPE Elements 3 Flashcards
A straight line showing the relation between steam consumption and the load
Willan’s Line
Water tubes installed in the furnace to protect the furnace against the high temperature.
Water Walls
Type of geothermal steam produced in the Philippines
Liquid Dominated
It is the difference between the saturation temperature of the motivating fluid and the saturation temperature of the vapour.
Heat Head
It is a term used when a power producing engine or plant employs more than one thermodynamic cycles
Combined Cycle
The Diesel cycle is the combustion process, in which the burning of the fuel is triggered by______________, into which is then injected the fuel
The heat generated in first compressing air in the piston cavity
It uses gas turbine exhaust to heat the water for conversion into steam is known as
Steam Generating Unit
The term is intended to relate the output of the steam generator to the steam requirement of the prime mover
Boiler Horsepower
It is the use of a heat engine or a power station to simultaneously generate both electricity and useful heat
Cogeneration Cycle
The _________ uses electromagnetic principles to convert mechanical rotation into an alternating electric current
It refers to the graph used to represent the relationship between the demanded load and time sequence.
Load Curve
A plant producing both electrical power and process heat simultaneously
Cogeneration Plant
A direct contact-type open feedwater heater where dissolved gases are removed
A type of boiler also known as drum-less boiler
Once-Through Boiler
Which of the following is considered as a peak load power plant?
Gas Turbine Plant
Which of the following is considered as a base load power plant?
Coal Fired Power Plant
Which of the following components does not belong to a gas turbine power plant?
Turbines that are acted on by water, which changes pressure as it moves through the turbine and gives up its energy.
Reaction Turbine
It is an inward flow turbine that combines radial and axial flow concepts
Francis Turbine
This turbine is a propeller-type water turbine that has adjustable blades.
Kaplan Turbine
Turbines in which fluid under pressure enters a stationary nozzle where its pressure energy is converted to velocity energy and absorbed by the rotor.
Impulse Turbines
In a power plant, an electrostatic precipitator is installed between
Furnace & Chimney
The purpose of regenerator in a gas turbine is to
Improve the thermal efficiency
A type of power plant that uses wood as their fuel
Dendrothermal Plant
A heat exchanger which raises the temperature of the feedwater to almost the saturation temperature corresponding to the boiler pressure.