It is that property of a matter, by virtue of which a body
cannot move of itself nor change the motion imparted to it.
“Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless acted upon by some external force”. This is also known as Law of Inertia.
Newton’s First Law of Motion
“The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the impressed force and takes place in the same direction in which the force acts”.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion.
“To every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction”
Newton’s Third Law of Motion.
It is an agent, which produces or tends to produce, destroy or
tends to destroy motion.
According to Newton’s Second Law of Motion, the applied force or impressed force is directly proportional to the rate of change of momentum.
In SI system of units, the unit of force is called
may be defined as the force, while acting upon a mass of one kg, produces an acceleration of 1 m/s2 in the direction in which it acts.
the turning effect produced by a force, on the body, on which it acts. It is equal to the product of the force and the perpendicular distance of the point, about which the moment is required, and the line of action of the force
moment of a force
two equal and opposite parallel forces, whose lines of action
are different.
The perpendicular distance (x) between the lines of action of two equal and opposite parallel forces is known as
arm of the couple
as the distance, from a given reference, where the whole mass of body is assumed to be concentrated to give the same value of I.
The unit of mass moment of inertia in SI system is kg-m2.
radius of gyration
It is the product of the mass moment of inertia and the angular velocity of the body.
Angular Momentum
If the product of force and the perpendicular distance of its line of action from the given point or axis.
The Newton’s second law of motion when applied to rotating bodies states, the _______ is directly proportional to the rate of change of angular momentum.
Whenever a force acts on a body and the body undergoes a displacement in the direction of the force, then work is said to be done.
It may be defined as the rate of doing work or work done per unit time
In S.I system of units, the unit of _______ is watt (briefly written as W) which is equal to 1 J/s or 1N-m/s.
a bigger unit of power called _________ (briefly written as
kW) is used which is equal to 1000 W
It may be defined as the capacity to do work.
The _______ exists in many forms e.g. mechanical, electrical, chemical, etc.; but we are mainly concerned with mechanical energy.
The ________________ is equal to the work done on a body in altering either its position or its velocity.
mechanical energy
It is the energy possessed by a body, for doing work, by virtue of its position.
Potential energy
It is the potential energy stored by an elastic body when deformed.
Strain energy
It is the energy possessed by a body, for doing work, by
virtue of its mass and velocity of motion.
Kinetic energy