PIPE Elements 2 Flashcards
It is the cycle usually used as a reference cycle in thermodynamics;
What cycle is used or patterned in the construction of a steam power plant?
Rankine Cycle
The internal combustion engine never works on______ cycles.
All Of These
The force that tends to draw a body towards the centre about which it is rotating?
What is the apparatus used in the analysis of exhaust gases?
The ratio of the density of substance to the density of standard water:
Relative Density
When the property of a substance ceases to change, the substance is said to be;
Thermal Equilibrium
Temperature at which an oil gives off vapours that mixed with air and form an inflammable mixture
Flash Point
Which of the following is not a viscosity rating:
What do you call a small piece of energy?
The function of the carburetor on a gasoline engine is to:
Mix the air and the gasoline properly
Which of the following surfaces will absorb the greatest percentage of radiant energy
One boiler horsepower is equivalent to:
The existence of ______ gas in the atmosphere causes a greenhouse effect.
It is the position of a piston in which it is furthest from the crankshaft
Top Dead Center
Alcohol is commonly used as:
If boiling water is poured in a drinking glass, the glass is likely to crack. If however, a metal spoon is first placed in the glass, it is much less likely to crack. The reason is:
Quickly absorbs heat from water
It is a device that heats the steam generated by the boiler again, increasing its thermal energy and decreasing the chances that it will condense inside the turbine
These are energy sources which are not destroyed when their energy is harnessed.
Renewable energy
It is a heat exchanger which utilizes the heat of the flue gases to preheat the air needed for combustion.
Which of the following components does not belong to a gas turbine power plant?
The ratio of the sum of individual demands of the system to the over-all demand of the whole system is:
Diversity Factor
The ratio of average load to peak load over a designated period of time is called:
Load Factor
The difference between the temperature leaving the unit and the temperature of the feedwater entering.
Terminal Difference
A contact heater that is especially designed to remove the non-condensable gases.