Pinboard Flashcards
what is a random walk
accumulation of error terms from a stationary series of error terms
what is the static model
what is the finite distributed lag model
what is a stochastic process
sequence of random variables indexed by time
what does weak stationary mean
Mean, variance and covariances are stable. Mean and variance constant over time. Covariance between yt and yt-j depends only on distance between two terms
what is an AR(1) model
what is a MA(1) model
Moving average:
what is weak dependence
correlations between time series variables become smaller and smaller. Weakly dependent if Corr(yt,yt-j)->0 as j->∞ (asymptotically uncorrelated)
what is the Correlagram equation
what is the variance part of the correlagram equation γ0: (ρj=Cov(yt,yt-j)/Var(yt)=γj/γ0)
Var: γ0=E((yt-μ)^2)
what is the autocovariance part of the correlagram equation γj: (ρj=Cov(yt,yt-j)/Var(yt)=γj/γ0)
Autocov: γj=E((yt-μ)(yt-j-μ))
what does the fact that E(et^2)=σ^2 mean
the variance where the expected value is 0 (can derive it)
what does efficient mean
smallest variance
what does consistent mean
what does a unit root mean
Unit root: θ=1
what is a way of showing et and es are serially uncorrelated when E(et)=0
E(etes)=0 (from Cov(etes) with E(et)=0)