Panel data Flashcards
what is panel data
a panel data set contains repeated observations over time for individuals, firms, countries etc
what is heterogeneity
the quality or state of being diverse in character or content
what is the main advantage of panel data
we are able to allow for certain forms of unobserved individual heterogeneity that is constant over time which cannot be done with cross-sectional or time-series
what is the panel data equation
yit = xit’β + vit,
=xit’β + αi + uit,
α are unobserved constant individual effects,
uit idiosyncratic shock
how does Pooled OLS and Random Effects GLS deal with panel data
Pooled OLS and Random Effects GLS are biased and inconsistent if the unobserved fixed individual components αi are correlated with the explanatory variables xit
why are Fixed-Effects OLS and First-Differenced OLS better with panel data
they are also consistent when there is correlation between the αi and the xit.
They solve the endogeneity without need for instrumental variables
what does the pooled OLS do
simply treats the panel as a very large cross-section with nT observations
what are the four estimators for panel data
pooled OLS,
random effects GLS,
Fixed effects OLS,
First differenced OLS
what is the main condition for pooled OLS
this means E(α|Xi)=0 and E(uit|xit)=0,
for pooled to be consistent there cannot be correlation between the unobserved fixed component αi and xit
for pooled OLS with vit=αi+uit what is the variance
E(vitvis)≠0 for s≠t,
if E(uituis)=0 for s≠t then,
E(vitvis)=E(αi^2)=σσ^2 (second σ is subscript),
standard errors that don’t take the serial correlation of vit into account will be wrong (try derive from E(vitvis) in notes)
do you need cluster robust standard errors for pooled OLS
yes, standard errors don’t take the serial correlation of vit into account will be wrong,
need cluster rob se unless σσ^2=0 (2nd σ subscript)
what is the main assumption of the random effects GLS
E(αi|Xi)=0 and xit strictly exogenous,
how is the random effects GLS better than pooled OLS
improves efficiency of pooled ols by taking clusters into account
what is process of random effects gls
takes stylised model, assumes complete homoskedasticity, get a variance covariance matrix and plug into GLS estimator (like WLS in that it divides)
what are the assumptions for the consistency and efficiency of random effects GLS (equations)