Pillar 1 - week 3 Flashcards
What are three Types of Fats?
Trans Fat, Saturated Fat, Unsaturated Fat
Why are Trans Fats harmfull?
They are known to lower HDL, cause accelerate aging, heart desease, and cancer
What is HDL?
A benificial type of Cholesterol
What are Partially Hydrogenated Oils?
Harmfull Trans Fats
What is Saturated Fat, from a chemical standpoint?
Molecules that have no double bonds between carbon molecules because they are saturated with hydrogen molecules.
Describe Saturated Fats
Usually solid at room tempurature, and can be found in meat, dairy, some baked or fried foods, and oils like palm oil and coconut oil
What makes cocnut oil a unique saturated fat?
It’s made of MCFA’s (Medium Chain Fatty Acids)
What are MCFA’s?
Medium Chain Fatty Acids are a type of fatty acid that can be more rapidly broken down
and sent directly to the liver to be metabolized and turned into energy,
making them readily available to be used as fuel and less likely to be stored as
Do MCFA’s produce an insoline spike?
N,o medium chain fatty acids don’t produce an insulin spike in your
bloodstream, so there’s no blood sugar roller coaster when you eat them,
which is great.
What are the two types of Unsaturated Fat?
Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fats
What are some benifits of Unsturated Fats?
Improves blood choleterol levals, ease inflamation
What are Esential Fatty Acids?
They are a type of polyunsaturated fat. And they support the immune system, the cardiovascular
system, the reproductive system, the central nervous system. They normalize
cholesterol, which promotes heart health.
What are the two Families of Essential Fatty Acids?
OMEGA-3’s, and OMEGA-6’s
What are the three types of OMEGA-3’s?
What type of OMEGA-3 is found in Plants?
What types of OMEGA-3 are found in marine sources?
EPA, and DHA
What’s the Acronym for the marine sources that contain EPA and DHA OMEGA-3’s
What does SMASH stand for?
Salmon, Mackerol, Anchovies, Sardines, and Herring
What are some vegitarian and vegan sources for EPA, and DHA?
Some Algaes and Seaweeds
When talking about Essential Fatty Acids, What does “Esential” mean?
The body can’t produce it on it’s own, the body needs to consume it