Pillar 1: building Trust And Legitimacy Flashcards
What is the foundational principle underlying the nature of relations between law-enforcement and the communities they serve?
Building trust and nurturing legitimacy
T/F since the 90s policing has become more effective, better equipped and better organized, but despite this gallop pole show public confidence and police has remained flat or declined
People are more likely to obey the law when they believe that those who are enforcing it have the legitimate authority to tell them what to do
Public confers legitimacy only on those they believe are acting in procedurally just ways. What are the four principles procedurally behavior is based on?
1-treating people with dignity and respect
2-giving individuals “voice” during encounters
3-being neutral and transparent in decision-making
4- conveying trustworthy motives
What are internal and external aspects to procedural justice?
Internal procedural justice refers to practices within an agency and the relationships officers have with their colleagues and leaders (officers, who feel respected by their supervisors and peers are more likely to accept departmental policies, understand decisions, and comply with them voluntarily)
External procedural justice focuses on the way officers and other legal authorities interact with the public and how the characteristics of those interactions shape the public trust of the police. (Emphasis on impartial policing : it is important to understand, explicit and implicit bias.)
T/F law-enforcement culture should embrace a guardian mindset to build public trust and legitimacy
Therefore, police should adopt procedural justice as the guiding principal for internal and external policies and practices to guide their interactions with citizens
T/t an organization can make great rules and policies that emphasize the guardian role, but if policies conflict with the existing culture, they will not be institutionalized and behavior will not change
Agency should acknowledge the role of policing and past and present injustice and discrimination, and how it is a hurdle to promotion of community trust
TF agency should establish a culture of transparency and accountability in order to build public trust and legitimacy
When serious incidents happen agency should communicate with citizens in the media, swiftly openly and neutrally.
(one way to remote neutrality is to ensure that agencies and their members do not release background information on involved parties)
T/F law-enforcement agencies should promote legitimacy internally within the organization by applying the principles of procedural justice
When an agency creates an environment that promotes internal procedural justice, it encourages its officers who demonstrate external procedural justice
Internal procedural justice begins with the clear articulation of organizational core values and the transparent creation in fair application of an organizations, policies, protocols, and decision-making processes
In order to achieve internal legitimacy, law-enforcement agency should involve employees in the process of developing policies and procedures
Law-enforcement agencies should proactively promote public trust by initiating positive non-enforcement activities to engage communities that typically have high rates of investigative and enforcement involvement with government agencies
In order to achieve external legitimacy, law-enforcement agency should involve the community in the process of developing in evaluating policies and procedures
Agency should consider the potential damage to public trust when implementing crime fighting strategies.
They should track the level of trust and police by their communities just as they measure changes in crime
Agency should strive to create a workforce that contains a broad range of diversity 
Agency should build relationship based on trust with immigrant communities
They suggested decouple federal immigration enforcement from routine local policing for civil enforcement