PIH Flashcards
HTN in pregnancy
140/90 on 2 occasions 4 hrs apart
SBP-kortokoff sound 1
DBP- Kortokoff sound 5. ( N kortokoff sound 4 )
ACOG classification
Cat 1. Pre-eclampsia - Eclampsia syndrome
Cat 2 gestational HTN
Cat 3. Cronic HTN in pregnancy
Cat 4. Cr. HTN with superimposed pre eclampsia
Chronic HTN
Bp>/= 140/90. Before 20 weeks of gestation
Not come back to N after 12 w post delivary
POG > 20 w. Comes back to N within 12 w of delivery
Gestational HTN
PIH with no proteinuria or signs of end organ damage
Pre eclampsia
Proteinuria. ( non selective, only granular cast, not a/with red cell cast or nephritic or nephrotic syndrome &/or Signs of EOD
Dipstick test (screening). >/= +1
Urine protein creatinine ratio >/= 0.3
24 hr urine protein excretion ( gold std ) >/= 300mg
Signs of End Organ Damage
- Platelet count < 1 lakh
- Liver enz raised to 2 times + Epigastric Pain
- Serum creatinine >/= 1.1 mg/dl
- Pulmonary edema
- Visual Symptoms/ headache
Pre eclampsia classification
I. Early onset : 20-30 w
Preterm or late onset : 34 w - 37 w
Term onset : >37 w
II. PE without severe features (mild) : BP > 140/90 + no signs of impending eclampsia
PE with severe features (severe) : BP > 160/110 + signs of impending eclampsia + signs of EOD + GTCS
Signs of impending eclampsia
Headache ( not relieved by analgesics )
Epigastric pain
Visual symptoms
New oneset of GTCS or coma in a pt. With pre-eclampsia
Types: Antepartum
Intrapartum ( during labour )
Postpartum ( within 48 hrs of delivery )
Cells regulating vascular remodelling
Maternal natural killer cell
Stages in PIH
I. Placental syndrome (stage 1) : AbN vascular remodelling, AbN placentation , Impaired trophoblastic differentiation/impaired pseudo vasculogenesis
II. Maternal syndrome (stage 2)
Effects of placental ischemia in PIH/PE
- Placenta : small size
- Fetus : IUGR, oliguria, oligohydroamnios
- Maternal : Increased BP
Virchows triad ( endothelial enjury + stasis + hypercoagubility)
Hematological changes- Thrombocytopenia, Microangiopathic hemolysis, Intravascular coagulation, Increased LDH levels
MOD in mother with PE
- Kidney : Oliguria -> Increased serum creatinine + urea + uric acid
Glomeruloendotheliosis - Liver : Stretching of glissons capsule- Epigastric pain
Periportal haemorrhage, vasospasm
Hematoma formation - Retina : Vasospasm
Visual changes scotoma
HTN retinopathy
Retinal detachment
Factors increasing in PIH
Thrombaxin A2
Factors decreased in PIH
Placental growth factors
Increased risk for PIH
- Nulliparous
- New paternity
- Long inter pregnancy interval
- Molar pregnancy
- Family history or SGA women
- Obese female (BMI>30)
- Age <18 >40
- Hydrops fetalis
- Pregnancy d/t ivf
- Use of barrier contraceptive before pregnancy
High Risk for PIH
- Previous h/o PE
- Chronic HTNive
- Multiple pregnancy
- Diabetic mother
- Female with kidney disease
- Female with immune disorder like APLA
Indication of Aspirin in PIH
- Any >/=1 high risk factors
- Any >/=2 of following factors
i. Nulliparous
ii. Age >35 yrs
iii. Obese
iv. Prior h/o LBW or IUGR
v. Family h/o PE
vi. Vulnarable sociodemographic factors
Aspirin dose time period
Dose - 75-150 mg/day
Time period- <16 w (12-16 w). To 36 w
Evaluation for raised bp
I. Assess nature of disease
1. Proteinuria - urine dipstick, 24hr urine protein excretion, urine protein/creat ratio
- Urine microscopy- Red cell cast (chr. HTN), Granular cast(PE)
II. Assess severity
1. Platelet count
2. Liver enz
3. Serum creat.
4. LDH
5. Peripheral schistocytes
III. Assess fetal well being
1. NST
2. BPS
3. USG- for fetal growth, AFI, Doppler studies
Top in case of
1. PE without severe features
2. PE with severe features
3. Chr HTN bt controlled
4. Chr. HTN with superimposed PE
5. On umbilical artery doppler :
S/D ratio increased >/= 3
Absent end diastolic flow
Reversal of end diastolic flow
6. Ductus venous doppler : absent a wave
- > /= 37 w
- > /= 34 w
- 37-38+6/7d
- 37 w
- > /=37 w
33-34 w
30-32 w - At 30 w
Immediate TOP
- Eclampsia or impending eclampsia
- HELP syndrome
- Fetal distress
- Abruption of placenta
- Uncontrolled HTN
- Progressive organ damage
Management severe PE
Measure- BP half hourly, Urine O/P hourly, Proteinuria 4hrly
Evaluate signs of impending eclampsia
Assess fetal well being
Anti hypertensive : Hydralazine iv Labetalol iv , Niedipine oral
Corticosteroid-28 to 34 w
> /=34 w & <28 w - Immediate delivery
Mgt of severe PE b/w 28 - 34 w
I. Delivery after first dose of corticosteroid
1. Impending eclampsia
2. Placenta abruptio
3. HELP syndrome
4. DIC
5. Pulmonary oedema
6. Fetal compromise
7. Uncontrolled severe HTN
II. Delivery after 48 hrs of corticosteroid - PROM
2. Renal dysfunction/ fetal growth restriction
3. Oligohydromnios
4. Umbilical doppler- reversed diastolic flow
III. Expectant Mgt
HELLP syndrome
Microangiopathic hemolysis
Eevated liver enzymes
Low platelet count
Presentation of HELLP
Sudden onset of pain (colicky) in abd at mid epigastrium or rt upper quad.
Appears in3rd trimester
BP increase 85% cases
Diagnosis of HELLP syndrome
TENESSE criteria :
H= Hemolysis +nt if any two seen:
1. Schistocytes or helmet cells or burr cells in peripheral smear
2. Increase in indirect bilirubin >/=1.2
3. Increase LDH >2 time (600 IU) & decrease heptoglobin (<25mg/dl)
3. Severe anemia unrelated to blood loss
EL= Elevated Liver enzymes >2 times (70 IU)
LP= Low platelet count (<1lakh)
D/d of HELLP syndrome
Acute Fatty liver of pregnancy
Mgt of HELLP synd
- MgSO4
- Anti hypertensive
- Corticosteroids if <34 w
- Definitive- TOP
Anti HTNive in severe PE first line
Hydralazine i.v
Labetalol iv
Nifedipine oral
Indication to start Anti HTNive
BP>/= 150/100 mmHg persistantly (4hrs apart)
BP>/= 160/110 2 readings 15 min apart. (Hypertensive Crisis)
Other drugs for PE
DOC for refractory HTN
Its S/E
Na Nitroprusside
Cyanide poisoning
Hydralazine dose S/E
Starting - 5mg im/iv
3 doses of 10 mg 15-20 mins apart
Max dose = 30 mg
S/E : Tachycardia, Hypotension, Headache, Palpitations
Labetalol dose S/E
10 mg -> 20 mg -> 80 mg
Max - 220 mg
S/E : Bradycardia, Hypotension, Asthma
Nifedipine dose. S/E
10 mg after 20 mins -> 20 mg 2 doses
S(E : Tachycardia, Headaches
Anti HTNive in Chronic HTN
1. Indication
2. Target BP
- BP>/=160/100 or co morbidities at lower BP
- Generally: <150/100
In case or end organ damage like LVH or renal insufficiency : <140/90
1st line anti HTNive in chronic HTN
Labetalol oral
Nifedipine oral
Methyldopa oral
Other anti HTNive chronic HTN
Beta blocker : Propronalol, Metaprolol
Ca channel blockers
Anti HTNive absolutely C/I in pregnancy
ACE inhibitors
Angiotensin receptor blocker - Losartan
Mechanism of action of MgSO4
Centrally acting drug
Blocks NMDA receptors in brain
CCB - membrane stabalisation
Decrease release of acetylcholine
Cerebral vasodilation
High dose blocks peripheral calcium channels
Pritchard regimen
Loading dose : IM - 10 g, 50% solution (10 ampules) ;upper outer quad using 3
inch 30 guage needle
IV - 4 g, 20% solution ( 4 ampules + 12 ml NS) ; over 10-15 mins
Max infusion rate 1g/min
Check maternal heart rate is giving high iv dose
If seizures persist after 15 min repeat iv 2g in 20% solution
Maintenance dose : 4 hourly till 24 hrs after delivery or last seizure whichever is
IM - 5 gm, 50% solution every 4hrly in alternate buttock
Before giving check :
1. Knee jerk or patellar reflex intact
2. Urine O/P >/=100 ml in 4hrs
3. Respiratory rate >/= 12/min
MgSO4 toxicity
1. First sign @ 10mEq/L
2. 12mEq/L
3.@ 15mEq/L
4. @ >24 mEq/L
5. Other symptom
- -nt Patellar reflex
- Respiratory paralysis
- Cardiac conduction defects
- Cardiac arrest
- Diaphoresis, Flushing, Slurring of speech
MgSO4 Toxicity Antidote
Calcium gluconate 1gm iv or
ACOG recommendations for IV dose of MgSO4
Loading- 4-6 gm in 100 ml iv over 15-20 mins
Maintenance: 1-2 gm/hr in 10 ml
Use of MgSO4 in obstetrics
- DOC for neuroprotection in preterm labour- prevent CP in newborns
- Prevention of seizures in impending PE, HELLP syndrome
- Mgt of seizure in eclampsia
Mgt of Eclampsia
- Airways mgt
- MgSO4
- Anti HTNive labetalol or Hydralazine
- After stabalization TOP
Mode of delivery - vaginal
If delivary not within 24 hrs - Csection
Anaesthesia- neuraxial