Gynae Anatomy Flashcards
1. Parts
2. Shape
3.Corpus parts
4. Angles
5. Normal position
6. Size
7. Weight - non preg, preg.
8. Volume - no preg, preg
9. Lining- uterus, cx
10. Lenght of isthmus- non preg,at term, during labour
- Body / corpus & cervix
- Pyriform
- Fundus ( prominent upper broad dome shaped part )
isthmus ( lower narrow near cervix ) - 2 cornua
- Antiverted & antiflexed
- 3x2x1 inch
- 60-80 g, 1000g
- 10 cc , 5 liters
- High columnar epithelium , Low columnar epithelium
- 0.5 cm , 5 cm , 10cm
Attachments at cornua
1 ant to post
2 superior to inferior
- Round ligament > Fallopian tube > Ovarian ligament
- Fallopian tube > RL & OL at same level
- Angle of antiversion
- Angle of antiflexion
- 90 b/w vagina & cx
- 120 b/w cx & uterus
Round ligament
1. Derived from
2. Attached to, inserted into
3. Function
4. Blood supply
- Gubernaculum
- Cornua, ant. 1/3 of labia majora
- Maintain antiversion position
- Sampson artery - br of uterine artery
Living ligature
Middle layer of myometrium - criss cross fibers
Cervix:Corpus ratio
1. At birth
2. Before puberty
3. After puberty
4. Reproductive age
5. Menopause
- 1:1
- 2:1
- 1:2
- 1:3/1:4
- 1:1
On PS examination appearance of
1. Exocx
2. Endocx
- Pink
- Red
- Fornix
- Internal os
- Ext os
- Ostia
- Prepuce
- Frenulum
- Fossa navicularis
- Fourchette
- Space b/w cx & wall of vagina- ant. , post. , 2 lateral
2.opening of cx inuterus
- Opening of cx in vagina
4.opening of fallopian tube into uterus- identification landmark for hysteroscopy
- Fold of labia minora above clitoris
- Fold of labia minora below clitoris
- Shallow vestibular depression b/w introitus & fourchette
- Region where posterior lips of labia minora meet
Angle of antiflexion is at the level of
Internal os
Asherman syndrome
Intra uterine adhesions
Pouch b/w bladder n uterus
Pouch b/w uterus n rectum
Uterovesical pouch
Pouch of douglas/ Cal de sac- most dependent part
Aspiration of fluid collected ( PID or ectopic pregnancy ) from POD by passing a syringe through post fornix
Opening made in POD to drain pus of pelvic abscess
Uterocervical length
Measured by
3 inches
Uterine sound
Vulva/ ext genialia / pudendum
1. Blood supply
2. Nerve supply
3. Lymph node drainage
4. Exception of LN drainage
- Internal pudendal
- Pudendal N ( S2-S4 )
- Superficial inguinal > deep inguinal ( femoral LN )
- Glans of clitoris - deep inguinal k/a Cloquet/Rosenmuller LN
Openings in vulva
- Urethra
- Skene gland / paraurethral gland - 1 & 11 o clock
- Introitus - vaginal opening
- Bartholin ducts just outside introitus 4 & 8 / 5&7 o clock
Triradiate ligament - primary support of uterus
Pubocervical ligament
Transverse/Cardinal/Mackenrodt ligament
Uterocervical ligament
Broad ligament content
Blood vessels- Uterine & ovarian vessels & nerves
Round ligament
Ovarian ligament
Artifacts - Epoophoron, Paraophoron, Gartner’s duct
oviDuct-fallopian tude
Ureter also - along medial border
Uterine artery br of
Branches outside to inside
Ant division of ant. iliac artery
United ARaBS
Arcute A- outer 1/3 myometriun
Radial A- inner 2/3 myometrium
Basal A- basal layer of endometrium
Spiral A- superficial/functional layer of endometrium
Round ligament - via Sampsons A
Fallopian tube
Cx & vagina - via descending cervical A
1. Size
2. Vol
3. Location
- 3x2x1 cm
- 6-7cc
- Lateral pelvic wall in fossa of waldeyer
Relation of ovary
Anterior/superior - external iliac artery
Posterior - Ureter and internal iliac artery
Lateral - obturator nerve and infundubulopelvic ligament
Medial - ovarian ligament
Lining of
1. Vagina.
2. Cervix i) endocx ii) ectocx
3. Uterus.
4. Fallopian tube
- non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
- i) columnar epithelium ii) stratified, squamous epithelium
- Columnar epithelium.
- Ciliated columnar epithelium.
Parts of fallopian tube
- Interstitium/intramural - narrowest, only circular muscle, act as anatomical sphincter
- Isthmus - physiological sphincter.
- Ampulla - widest and longest, fertilisation occurs, mucosal folds called plicae
- Infundibulum/Fimbria
4 inches or 10 to 12 cm
- Most common site for fertilisation.
- Most common site for ectopic pregnancy.
- Most common site for tubal abortion.
- Most common site for tubal rupture.
- Most common site for tubal ligation.
- TB causes block in
- Gonococcus causes block in
- Ampulla.
- Ampulla.
- Ampulla
- Isthmus
- Isthmus
- Cornual end of tube.
- Fimbrial end of tube.