Pigs Flashcards
Restraint Techniques for Pigs
o Hog board – same height as animal, 2/3 to full length
o Sling
o Lifting hind legs (smaller pigs)
o Snout snare – not comfortable, acts like tourniquet around nose, leave on only few min
IV Access in Pigs
challenging, lack of visible superficial veins
Marginal ear veins (auricular veins)
* Central auricular vessels usually arteries (like rabbits)
Lateral, medial veins outer surface of ear in larger pigs
* LJ: central dorsal auricular vein
Cephalic: blind, visualized in small pigs
Jugular cut down, can also use anterior vena cava
IO Route
greater tubercle of humerus or trochanteric fossa of femur
* Rate of fluid administration limited in older pigs DT presence of fat, fibrosis of medullary canal
IM Injection Sites for Pigs
base of ear = thinner fat, tissues have better perfusion
Preferred for immobilization
IM Injection Site Logistics - Pigs
Need adequate length needles so don’t inadvertently inject into fat
* Thick layer of subcutaneous fat, more so for potbellied pigs
* Adipose tissue layers in neck, rump particularly thick
Where to avoid for IM in pigs?
No thigh in growers – risk of abscess, needle breakage in edible tissue
* LJ Chp 38: recommended to inject in hamstring muscles just above hock or caudal portion of biceps femoris DT lower fat
* Gluteal ‘ham’ muscle not recommended: m inflammation, fibrosis
SQ Inj in Pigs
smaller, mini pigs
Very tight connective tissue
Lateral cervical region: flap of tissue available
Pigs - Resp
obligate nasal breathers; short, narrow airway with long soft palate
Tracheal bronchi!
Pigs - GIT
acidic stomach, pH 1.5 to 2.5 – better, faster, more predictable absorption of orally administered drugs, prone to perioperative vomiting
Very well developed torus pyloricus
Other Sedative Routes in Pigs
IN: midaz 0.2-0.4mg/kg = reliable sedation within 3-4’; ketamine 15mg/kg + climazolam 1.5mg/kg + azaperone 1.0mg/kg for castration = less effective ax vs IM but minor temp loss, shorter recovery time
o IP: requires specific training, risk of bad consequences if improperly performed
Pigs - GIT
acidic stomach, pH 1.5 to 2.5 – better, faster, more predictable absorption of orally administered drugs, prone to perioperative vomiting
Very well developed torus pyloricus
Pigs - CV
Prolonged QT Interval
Fasting Times in Pigs
Minimum 12h food
o Prolonged gastric emptying DT roughage, risk of Perioperative nausea/vomiting
o Elective GI/abdo sx: 24-48hr to empty large bowel, H2O 4-6hr if stomach/small bowel sx
o Neonates: 3h
o Remove edible bedding for 2-3d
Sedation in Pigs
Ketamine is your friend
Best combined w/ adjunctive agents to improve SkM relaxation, analgesia, decrease ket dose
o Much more resistant to a2s compared to ruminants
In general don’t become very sedate off opioids, alpha a2
Tramadol = less respiratory depression in pigs than other opioids
Which pigs generally need higher doses of sedation?
Yucatan, Yorkshire pigs, VPB
butyrophenone neuroleptic, safe for IM
Approved for use in swine
IV contraindicated, +/- excitation
Sedative + LA for minor sx procedures, premedicant with anxiolytic properties
Effects = dose dependent
Large boars: do not exceed 1mg/kg to decrease risk of priapism
a chloralose
- Mixed effects of dose-dependent CNS excitation, depression
- CV stability, lack of BR depression, poor analgesia when used alone
- Poor solubility
- Slow onset (15-20’)
- Causes metabolic acidosis, hyperreactivity to auditory stimulation, peritonitis, adynamic ileus
- Loading dose 40mg/kg IV, CRI 10mg/kg/hr
- CMV recommended: prevent hypercapnia, respiratory acidosis