Piedmont - Risorgimento & KOI 1850-61 - b4 Flashcards
- diplomacy of Cavour & relations w/ Nap III - Causes & results of 1859 war - Garibaldi & the Thousand & Sicilian expedition - role of VEII, Cavour & Piedmontisation - Constitution & nature of KOI
Why was Piedmont chosen?
- Pol & Geo
- geographical position = remain independent & gradually acquire territory
- between Fr. & Aus. so could strike alliances
- politically well established = efficient bureaucracy & army
Why was Piedmont chosen?
- strong church influence = devout peasants remain loyal to church rather than monarchs or revolutionaries
Why was Piedmont chosen?
(French Revolution)
Exposed to Fr. changes for longest period
- mc benefitted from promotions in army & civil service based on education due to fr. reforms & profited from church land sales = sowed seeds for discontent under restored monarchs
- peasants hostile bc of conscription & taxes & end of monastic foundations
Why was Piedmont chosen?
(CA leadership)
- severe repression i.e strong censorship led to liberals like Cavour being exiled = discontent
- Corn Law ‘34 liberalised trade
- increased army to 70,000
- 1st sign of pol. reform by following Pope Pius IX in freeing press
Why was Piedmont chosen?
Only constitution to survive the revolutions which attracted many political activists making piedmont a centre of both liberal and nationalist thought.
Why Mazzini was a significant figure in the build up to unification?
- converted/influenced many including Garibaldi
- organised propaganda campaign to influence Italians
- President of Rome in ‘49
Mazzini less significant
- ideas too intellectual & radical - doesn’t appeal/gain support of majority
- absent from Italy for long periods of time - out of touch with the Italian situation
- lacked contact with & understanding of peasantry
CA significant in the build up to unification?
- creation of statuto - tangible result of the 1848 revolutions
- introduced reforms i.e. the Corn Law ‘34 which made Piedmont the economic capital
- became more sig. due to VEII who kept Statuto
CA less significant in the build up to unification?
Only became more significant as a result of VEII’s action of keeping the Statuto which gave Italians the opportunity for an active pol. life e.g free press & elected assembly
- noone subscribed to ‘Italia fara da se’ bc defeated twice by Austria at Custozza for example.
Role of Cavour in developing Italian unification - economically
Developed the Piedmontese economy - allowed Piedmont to emerge as a strong state under which unification could occur:
- interest in rail led to creation of large transport network, Piedmont home to 1/2 of total rail in Italy by end of 1850s
- By the end of 1851 had signed trade treaties w/ Fr., BR . and Belg.
- 1850-59 trade imports and exports increased by 300%
- placed Italy/Piedmont in huge debt of up to 725 million lira
- Italy & Piedmont technically not independent bc sold off govt bonds to foreign countries to pay off debt
Role of Cavour in dev. unification - diplomatically
- Through the Crimean war Piedmont now established as a player on world stage = improved nationalism bc piedmontese have pride in victory.
- Plombieres agreement 1858 = Able to secure support of Nap III against Austria in a future war, created the Kingdom of Upper Italy, Kingdom of Central Italy & Papacy, unifying some but not all Italian states in terms of physical borders.
- By end of the 1859 war , Piedmont does secure Lombardy
- Plombieres agreement = fact is that the states are still in divides kingdoms, no unilateral italian state/nation
- Fails to acquire Venetia through 1859 war.
What was the Plombieres agreement & its impact?
agreement between Napoleon iii and Cavour that Fr. would join Piedmont in a war against Austria
- Led to the creation of new kingdoms e.g upper Italy & Central Italy
The role of Nap. iii - helped unification
- Italy needed Fr. support to remove Austria!!!
- Took support of uprisings in Rome, enthusiasm and nationalism, grateful for piedmont for support in Crimea
- powerful figure who wanted unification, some were sceptical because he may just want France to become powerful.
- potentially his ownership/seizing of Nice led to unification bc it triggered Garibaldi’s later actions
The role of Nap. iii - hindered unification
- His aims when helping Piedmont were not for unification but for the expansion of France & to use piedmont as a state to control rest of Italy.
- VillaFranca = agrees to an armistice w/ Aus. w/out consulting Cavour & Piedmont, led to terms like the ceding of L-V to Aus. , restored monarchies in theory, Aus. remaining powerful influence in Italy
The War of 1859
(2nd war of independence)
- Cav. wrote anti austrian speech to increase nationalistic emotions.
- Cav. mobilised the Piedmontese army, no support from Napoleon.
- Apr 1859- Aus. sent a ultimatum to demobilise the piedmontese army which Cav refused. Aus. replied by declaring war on the 29th.