Physiology of Hearing, Smell and Taste Flashcards
What are the stages of hearing?
- First transduction: sound waves strike the tympanic membrane and become vibrations.
- The sound wave energy is transferred to the 3 bones of the middle ear, which vibrate.
- Second transduction: the stapes is attached to the membrane of the oval window. Vibrations of the oval window create fluid waves within the cochlea.
- Third transduction: the fluid waves push on the flexible membranes of the cochlear duct. Hair cells bend and release neurotransmitter.
- Fourth transduction: neurotransmitter release onto sensory neurons creates action potentials that travel through the cochlear nerve to the brain.
- Energy from the waves transfers across the cochlear duct into the tympanic duct and is dispiated back into the middle ear at the round window.

What is the innervation of the external ear?
- Auricular branch of the vagus.
- Auriculotemporal branch of trigeminal.
Describe the features of the tympanic membrane.
- Concave
- Shadow of the handle of the malleus
- 4 quadrants
- Safest quadrant is the antero-inferior quadrant
- Chorda tympani is in the postero-superior quadrant
- Triangular reflection of light in the Al quadrant (Politzer’s triangle)
- Rich neural innervation

Describe the middle ear.
- Air filled cavity with ossicles, muscles and nerves.
- Ossicles that transmit the vibration from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear
- Malleus, incus, stapes
- Attached to the walls by ligaments
- Small muscles
- Tensor tympani
- Stapedius
- Chorda tympani
- Auditory / pharyngotympanic / Eustachian tube
- Mucous membrane continuous with the pharynx
- Supplied by glossopharyngeus

Give the action and innervation of tensor tympani.
- Tensor tympani pulls the TM medially → increase the tension in response to loud noises → reduce the vibration of the tympanic membrane.
- Supplied by mandibular nerve.

Give the action and innervation of stapedius.
- Stapedius pulls the base of the stapes away from the oval window.
- Protects the inner ear from injury from a loud noise.
- Supplied by facial nerve.

Describe the pharyngotympanic tube.
- Walls are normally collapsed.
- Actively opened by the simultaneous contraction of the tensor veli palatini and salpingopharyngeus muscles.
- The tube is short and straight in children.
Describe the inner ear.
- Bony labyrinth
- Vestibule
- Utricle
- Saccule
- Semicircular canals
- Ducts
- Cochlea
- Vestibule
- Membraneous labyrinth
- Perilymph
Describe the ear’s mechanism for frequency detection.
- Structure of basilar membrane changes from short and stiff to long and floppy along the length of the cochlea.
- Resonant frequencies vary along the cochlea with high frequency at the base and low at the apex.
- When the basilar membrane vibrates at the resonant frequency, it absorbs all the kinetic energy of the wave and effectively stops it at that point.

Describe the signal detection at the organ of corti.
- Upward deflection of the basilar membrane moves the inner and outer hairs laterally with respect to the tectorial membrane.
- 95% of the cochlear nerve endings terminate on the inner hair cells.
- Outer hair cells increase the sensitivity of inner hair cells.
- This can tune the cochlea by amplifying select frequencies.

How are the stereocilia involved in signal transduction?
- Displacement of stereocilia in one direction opens K channels, and closes them in the other.

Describe the auditory pathways.
- Hair cells of the organ of Corti generate an electrical signal.
- Peripheral extensions of the bipolar neurons at spiral ganglion synapse with hair cells of the Organ of Corti.
- Central extensions of bipolar neurons from the cochlear nerve (1st order).
- Cochlear nerve synapses at anterior and posterior cochlear nuclei.
- Central extensions of 2nd order neurons spilts up, with some travelling ipsilaterally, but most contralaterally up to the respective superior olivary nucleus.
- Lateral leminiscus (3rd order) ascend and synapse at inferior colliculus.
- 4th order neurons project to the medial geniculate nucleus of the thalamus where they synapse.
- 5th order neurons join the auditory cortex.
- Collaterals from the pathway project into the reticular formation and the vermis of the cerebellum causing arousal responses to noise.
- Secondary projections from the primary, and some from the thalamic association areas then go to the auditory cortex.
- Sound is relayed tonographically to these cortical areas, with lower frequencies to the anterior in most maps though there are variations.
Describe how the ear detects the direction of sound.
- Volume
- Sound shadow
- Sound from one side hits the head, which then generates a sound shadow on the other side in which the volume is less. Comparison of signal intensities from both ears determines the ear closest to the sound.
- Sound lag
- Sound from a particular direction enters one ear before the other and so there is a slight delay between the sound arriving ipsilaterally at the auditory cortex, and that arriving contralaterally.
- Sound lag (which works at lower frequencies) is better at determining horizontal direction than sound shadow (which is good for high frequencies).
- Neither method detects front to back or above to below directionality.
- This is achieved by the folds in the pinna which changes the characteristic of sound coming from above compared to below etc.
What are the causes of conduction deafness?
- A blockage in the outer ear.
- Infection in either the outer or inner ear.
- Ossification of the small bones in the middle ear.
- Rupture of the tympanic membrane.
What are the causes of sensorineural deafness?
- Breakdown of the cochlea and associated mechanisms.
- Damage to the auditory nerve.
- Damage to the auditory cortex.
Name the tests which differentiate between conduction and sensorineural hearing loss.
- Rinnes - air condution is better than bone conduction = positive test.
- Webber’s - tuning fork in middle of forehead, heard equally on both sides.

What are the 5 primary tastes which are recognised?
- Sweet - sugar, glycols, ketones
- Sour - H+ ions
- Salty - NaCl
- Bitter - quinine, alkaloids found in toxic plants
- Umami - triggered by glutamate. Truffles, meat, ged cheese and tomatoes
- Possible 6th: Oleogustus - taste of the fatty acid (unpleasant).
Describe the taste buds and papillae of the tongue.
- Taste buds are located on the oral surface of the soft palate, the posterior wall of the oropharynx and the epiglottis.
Vallate papilla
- Along sulcus terminalis
- Supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve
- More sensitive to bitter
- Fungiform papilla
- Most numerous
- Supplied by facial nerve
- Foliate papilla
- Poorly developed
Vallate papilla

What nerves supply taste innervation to the tongue.
- Taste from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is detected by peripheral extensions of sensory neurons in geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve.
- Chorda tympani
- Travels with the lingual nerve.
- Infratemporal fossa → petrotympanic fissure → middle ear cavity → joins the facial nerve.
- Glossopharyngeal nerve
- Taste from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue and orophaynx is detected by peripheral extensions of sensory neurons in inferior ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve.
Describe the taste pathways.
- Central processes of neurons conveying taste (facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus) from tractus solitarius.
- Tractus solitarius synapse in nucleus of tractus solitarius (gustatory nucleus).
- Axons of 2nd order neurons cross the midline.
- Join medial leminiscus.
- 2nd neurons synapse in the thalamus.
- 3rd neurons project to the cortex.
- Gustation has a limbic component via the thalamus, and can activate brainstem nuclei for salivation, or vomiting.
What are the components of the olfactory system?
- Olfactory epithelium in the olfactory region.
- Receptor cells (bipolar neurons)
- Axons that project through the base of the skull to the olfactory bulb.
- euronal tract to multiple olfactory destinations in the brain.

Describe olfactory epithelium.
- Olfactory neuroepithelial cells have a life span of 40-60 days and regenerate from basal cells.
- Basal cells can be used as stem cells.
- Glandular goblet cells (Bowman glands) moisten the olfactory cells.
- Facilitate olfaction.
- Only about 2% of inhaled air comes in contact with the olfactory receptors.
- Sensitivity can be increased by forceful sniffing.

Describe the stages of olfaction.
- Odorants are dissolved in mucus secreted by Bowman glands.
- Cilia of receptor cells (bipolar neurons) are activated.
- Certain chemicals can activate other cranial nerves as well as the olfactory nerves and cause reactions.
- The central processes of receptor cells from olfactory nerve that pass through the cribriform plate to synapse in the olfactory bulb.
- Olfactory nerve is covered with connective tissue of the meninges.
- Olfactory bulb.
- Olfactory tract.
- Medial olfactory stria → limbic system
- Lateral olfactory stria → olfactory cortex in medial temporal lobe
What are the different types of anosmia?
- Idiopathic anosmia (25%)
- Nasal / sinus disease (25%)
- Colds
- Polyps
- Other blockages
- Head trauma (15%)
- Leading to damage to frontal lobe processing
- Leading to damage to ascending nerves at cribriform plate
- Permanent compression of the nasal passages
- Alzheimer’s preceding (2-5%)
- Congenital anosmia (1%)
- Parosmia (20%) - distorted and often unpleasant sense of smell caused by damage to the lining at the top of the nose.
- Upper respiratory viral infections