Physiology of Electrical Stimulation & ES Application for Pain Flashcards
artificial area of depolarization
an electrode placed in the periphery bypasses the CNS to stimulate muscle
traveling in the normal direction in a nerve fiber.
activate nerves and muscles
traveling in the opposite direction to that normal in a nerve fiber
pain relief
force generation via ES: volitional contraction
small diameter alpha motor neurons recruited first, then larger ones as more force is needed
rate coding
increase tension
-CNS increases firing rate of motor units contracting
swapping motor units in & out to reduce fatigue
Natural recruitment order
slow twitch type 1
- -> fast twitch , fatigue resistant, type IIA
- -> fast twitch fatiqguable type II B
force generation via ES: Stimulated Contraction
larger diameter alpha motor neurons recruited first and then smaller ones last
which type of muscles are recruited first in stimulated contraction
recruitment order for stimulated contraction
fast twitch, fatigable type IIB
–> fast twitch, fatigue resistance, type IIA
–> slow twitch type I
factors influencing muscle force production via ES
- frequency of activation
- amplitude of activation
- pulse duration
increases firing rate, force, & increases fatigue
initial pulse creates AP
Unfuse tetany
another pulse occurs before Ca+ reuptake occurs
oscillations (3-20 pps)
Fused Tetany
summative effect
greater than 20 pps
critical fusion frequency
can differ among muscles
stimulated deeper and smaller fibers
increases force production
pulse duration
stimulate smaller fibers
increases force production
pain over 400 usec
clinical respones