Physiology Flashcards
Bronchial artery
Blood supply nose to bronchioles
Branch Aorta
Pulmonary artery
Blood supply to to the alveoli
Lung function categories
Lung volumes
Gas diffusion
Volume time curve
Tidal volume air moved normal breath
ERV exhalation past normal volume
IRV inhaled past normal volume
RV air left past max exhalation
Sum volumes
IC is TV + IRV
FRV Is ERV + RV so volume of air exhaled in total
FEV1 is volume of air exhaled in 1s of forced expiration
Positive higher and negative lower
5th percentiles lowest or highest
Z score
SR +- 1.65 acceptable as 90% data in this range
5% split above and below abnormal
LLN decreases with age so over diagnose obstruction older men but under in young women
PEFR maximum volume exhaled
Obstructive vs restrictive
Fev1/fvc less than 0.7 is obstructive
More than 0.7 is restrictive
Obstructive RV and TLC raised
All volumes reduced
Measuring lung volumes
He dilution
N washout
Advantage simple and cheap
X doesn’t measure bullae
Body plesmography
Most accurate
X expensive
Variable extrathoracic obstruction
Inspiratory limb box so bottom
During inspirational obstruction sucked into trachea with partial obstruction
Vocal cord paralysis
Extrathoracic goitre
Laryngeal tumour
Variable intrathoracic
Expiratory limb top box
Trachea sucked out inspiration then expiration partial obstruction trachea
Tracheal stenosis
Airway tumour
Fixed obstruction
Both Inspiratory and expiratory box
Tracheal stenosis
Airway tumour
TLCO Co diffusion per min per pressure or gas exchange surface available
Kco when divided by total lung volume
= kco ( thickness alveolar membrane) x va (alveolar surface area )
Thickness membrane so reduced kco eg late Ild or pulm oedema or PH
VA low and kco low as alveoli gone in emphysema
High TLCO and kco in pulmonary haemorrhage or Polycythaemia or obese or altitude or hyperthyroid or AVM so left to right shunt
Low DLCO Ild
Normal DLCO extrathoracic so chest wall or nmd or obesity
Low DLCO in emphysema
Normal DLCO chronic bronchitis
Normal spiro
Low DLCO Normal lung function
Low DLCO pulmonary vascular disease
Is (barometric pressure x fio2) - paco2
Pressures lung
Trans pulmonary is 4
Intrapulmonary is -4
Intrapulmonary pressure is 0
Mechanism hypoxia
A-a = fio2 -(pco2x1.25)-po2
normal 1-2
Raised VQ and shunt
Normal alveolar hypoventilation
VQ mismatch
- plug so less ventilation so pneumonia or Atelectasis
- no perfusion eg PE or PH or shock
Shunt RtoL
- anatomical eg pda or pfo or asd or vsd/ lung/ hps - don’t respond to o2
- physiological eg ARDS or severe copd or Atelectasis or Pneumonectomy
Alveolar hypoventilation eg CNS or drugs or NM or ohs
Reduced fio2 eg altitude
Indication CPET
Dx cause of limitation fitness
Disease severity
Pre procedure
Response to treatment
Stop cpet
Chest pain with ecg change
St depression more than 2mm with symptoms or 4mm no symptoms
Heart block
Hypotension or be over 250/120
hypoxia less than 80
Near syncope
= CO x Cao2 x cvo2
Normal is more than 80% predicted
Cao2 lower
Lung disease
L to right shunt
Cvo2 low
Reduced consumption O2 eg myopathy or neuropathy
Cpet was it a maximal test
Vo2 above 15ml/kg or more than 80%
RER above 1.15 switch aerobic to anaerobic
Max HR 95% predicted so low HRR
Breathing reserve more than 20% gap
Rise in lactate
AT reached where vco2 rises faster than vo2
9 plot examples
Top right vo2
Top middle cardiac
All left vertical ventilation
Normal values
VO2 more than 80% predicted
Max HR should be more than 80% max (220-age)
VE should reach 80% so should have reserve
Desat more than 4% lung issue or PVD or RtL shunt
Oxygen pulse more than 10ml surrogate CO
AT should be more than 40% vo2
Vo2 max below reference 80% # cardiac or Resp
RER over 1.15 maximal
OHES oxygen uptake efficiency low then cardiac
Resp limit less than 20% between peak TV vs MVV (Fev1x40) then ventilatory limitation
Vo2 less than 80
low breathing reserve
Ve over vco2 increased dead space increased
Ve over 80%
Max hr not reached
O2 pulse reached first then cardiac
Early hr rise and low hr reserve
Contra indication cpet
Symptomatic aortic stenosis
Acute illness eg MI 5/7 or sbe or myocarditis or unstable angina or dissection
Severe pulmonary Hypertension
Acute Copd or asthma
Po2 less than 8
Recent DVT or acute PE
Heart failure
Syncope or pre syncope
OSA flow volume
Volume pathology
Older increase RV
Emphysema RV
Fibrosis all volumes reduced
Muscle weakness TLC low but RV high as cannot use expiratory muscle diaphragm
Obesity increase FRC more elastic recoil
Pneumonectomy DLCO
Reduced overall TLCO
Raised kco as blood to smaller area
VA reduced
Empey index
Pefr over fev1 over 10
Fixed airway obstruction
Mid 25 or 75 low
Small airway narrowing
Not normally distributed
Pearson between two continuous variables
Wilcoxon compare two groups pre and post
Spearman rank association between ordinal or ranked data
Obese lung function
Fev1/fvc more than 70%
FRC reduced as increased elastic recoil
Diaphragm weakness
Lying vc 20% drop Ddx bilateral diaphragm weakness as gravity not helping inspiration
10-20% fall vc suspicious diaphragm weakness
MIP and SNIP fall esp lying down
- men less than 70
- women less than 60
Better at base
Ventilation increases higher rate than ventilation
Fio2. 0.75
Pregnancy lung function
Reduced FRC and reduced ERV
Spiro normal
Increased o2 consumption
O2 reserve reduced
Minute ventilation increased
Ph normal / reduced pco2/ increased bicarbonate excretion
Reconditioning cpet
Low vo2 max
Low hrr
High VE
O2 pulse border of low/ normal
AT 40-50% of vo2 max
Sats ecg and bp normal
Cardiac disease cpet
Low vo2 max
Early rise hr
Low hrr
O2 pulse below lln
AT less than 40%
Abnormal BP
Lung disease cpet
Low vo2 max
High hrr so ventilation limiting
Low VE reserve
High VEco2
Submaximal effort cpet
Vo2 less than 80
Max HR less than 80
VE max less than 80
Lung disease cpet
Vo2 max less than 80
Max hr less than 80
Ve max more than 80
Pulmonary vascular cpet
Vo2 max less than 80%
Max hr more than 80%
Low hrr and steep chronotropic profile
Low AT
Desat 4%
Cardiac disease cpet
Vo2 max less than 80% predicted
Max hr more than 80%
Less than 4% Desat
Dysfunctional breathing cpet
Normal vo2 max
Normal AT
High erratic RER more than aer to anaerobic
High resting hr normal chronotropic profile
Muscle disease cpet
Low vo2 max
Early AT
Early lactate rise
Steep chronotropic profile due to impaired peripheral o2 extraction
Low o2 pulse
Peripheral vascular disease cpet
Low vo2 max
High hrr
High ve reserve
Low at
Heightened BP response
Bronch oxygen
More than 1m
Desat less than 4%
Sats less than 90%
Risks bronch
Arrhythmia sinus tachycardia
Bleeding 0.2%
Ptx 1/1000 so 0.1%
Sedation bronch
Fent or alfent
Midas 2-5mg
Local anaesthetic
Max 9.6mg per kg
Bronch sample
Visible tumour 85%
5x samples brush and wash
Invasive Aspergillus bronch
Bal galactomanan and fungal culture
Clean bronch
Automated endoscopic reprocessor
Sedation bronch e+d
NBM 2 hours and clear fluids 4h
Post for 24h
No drive or heavy machinery
No sign documents
CI spiro
Cv disease
Nausea or vomiting
Recent chest or abdominal or eye sx
Respiratory muscle weak
TLCO normal
Kco raised as lungs concentrated so co transfer better
Lung volume detect Ptx or bullae
PSG and helium dilution gas volume
How likely test positive when has disease
Test negative in healthy
D/ d+ b
Positive test likelihood has disease
Test negative likelihood healthy
Likelihood ratio
1- specificity
Binary vs ordinal
Discrete vs continuous
Normally distributed data sets
Z and T test eg bp pre and post
Chi squared eg smoking vs non smoking
Anova eg effect drug dosages 3 or more
Bronchoscopy death
1% serious
0.02% death
LTOT and Hypercapnia
Co2 increase 1 then not for LTOT
Low TLCO but High KCO due to extrapulmonary restriction
Pneumonectomy/ chest wall disease and NMD as alveoli more concentrated smaller area
Pleural disease
Alveolar haemorrhage or Polycythaemia
Low TLCO and low KCO