Physiology Flashcards
Trust vs. Mistrust
Stage of Life?
Trust vs. Mistrust
What is?
Caregivers will meet infants basic needs
Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt
What Stage?
Autonomy vs.Shame & Doubt
What is?
Toddlers begin to develop independence, autonomy, & self-control
Initiative vs. Guilt
What Stage?
Initiative vs. Guilt
What is?
Children begin to look for new experiences
Personal Achievement
Industry vs. Inferiority
What Stage?
School Ages
Industry vs. Inferiority
What is?
Children need recognition for accomplishments to gain reinforcement & build self-confidence
Identity vs. Role Confusion
What stage?
Identity vs. Role Confusion
What is?
Adolescents begin to figure out where they fit in,
Figure out direction of life
Intimacy vs. Isolation
What Age?
Young Adults
Intimacy vs. Isolation
What is?
Young Adults begin to think about partnerships
Generativity vs. Stagnition
What stage?
Middle Adults
Generativity vs. Stagnition
What Is?
Adults continue raising children,
Becoming Grandparents
Modeling Future Generation
And Serving the Community
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
What Stage?
Older Adults
Ego Integrity vs. despair
What is?
Older adults begin retiring
Health begins to become a concern
And a Sense of self-worth
What is? S&S? Tx?
Mood Disorders from imbalance of brain chemicals
Extreme Sadness, Fatigue, Lethargy, Hopelessness, and lowered motivation
Managed with therapy, healthy lifestyle, and medications
What is? S&S? Tx?
Chronic condition impacting childhood & later adult life
Lowered regular attention, Hyperactivity, and most common in boys
Medications & Behavior Therapy’s
What is? S&S? Tx?
Extreme feeling of sorrow & fear
Uncontrolled levels of stress, Increased HR, and consumed by worry
Therapy, Healthy lifestyle, and medication
What is? S&S? Tx?
Resulting from traumatic event,
Lowered concentration & sleep, changes to reactions, and avoidance of loved ones and events
Psycho-therapy , exposure therapy, & medication
Most common in?
War Veterans
Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Abuse
Loss of Loved ones
Environmental Stressors
What are they? Examples? Dealing With?
Situations that cause stress that makes obstacles to prevent achieving goals
Theft, Death of a loved one, vandalism, MVA, Physical assault
People deal with these based on their perception, experiences, & resources
Socioeconomic Stressors
What are they? Examples?
Financial Situations that cause stress
Job Loss, Medical Bills, Vehicle Repair, Debt
Physical Disability
Legality? Examples?
Medical Offices are required to have handicap accessible equipment,
Marked Parking, ramps, Accessible Bathrooms