Physiological Optics Flashcards
What are the 2 ocular structures the human eye refracts at
Cornea and lens
fixed focusing
Power approx : + 40D
- 2/3 of total refraction
-variable focusing powers accommodation
- min power approx + 20 D
- max power approx + 33D- when accommodating
-1/3 of total refraction
What are the 3 factors that determine the eyes ability to focus on light
Shape of cornea- power of cornea
Power of the eye
Length of the eye
What does a more curved surface mean
The more powerful it is so the more it refracts light
When does emmetropia occur
-Occurs when there is matching between the power of the eyes optical system (lens and cornea) and the length of the eye
- light focused on the retina- the eye is emmetropic
- results in CLEAR VISION
Emmetropia- match
- objects at infinity- meaning light is leaving the object parallel
- focus at the retina
- no accommodative effort
What is refractive error
-It occurs when there is a mismatch between the power of the eyes optical system (dioptric power of lens and cornea) and the length of the eye.
-Light is not focus on the retina -the eye is ametropic
- generally results In Blurry vision
Ametropia- mismatch
- light not focusing at the retina
-No accommodative effort - blue circle projected
What are 3 basic types of refractive error
- hyperopia
- astigmatism
- focused in front of the retina
-blue circle projected on retina - objects nearby are clear but far distance are blurry
- no accommodative effort
When does myopia occur?
Occurs when:
-cornea is too curved
- Lena is too powerful
- eye is too long
- or a combination of these
- object at infinity
- no accommodative effort
-light focused behind retina
-blue circle
When does hyperopia occur
-cornea is to flat
-lens is to weak
-eye is to short
- or a combination of these things
How does hyperopia look
Far distance is clear and up close is blurry
-refractive error of the eye produces two foci
- an elliptical blur (2 blur circles overlapping) is imaged on the retina
When does astigmatism occur
-cornea and/or the lens have different curvatures in different meridians
What are the types of astigmatism
Regular astigmatism
-axis with greatest curvature and axis with least curvature are at 90 angle to one another
Irregular astigmatism
-irregularities in the curvature conform to No particular geometry
-Change in the refractive power of the eye by a change in shape of the crystalline lens
-associated with convergence
Presbyopia (loss of accommodative ability
-reduction/loss of ability to accommodate with age
-crystalline lens loses its ability to change shape
-decreased ability to focusing on close things
-Arms are not long enough
-still an impulse to focusing hence converge