Physiological changes during pregnancy Flashcards
What parameters increase in the cardiovascular system during pregnancy?
Cardiac output (CO), heart rate (HR), stroke volume, venous pressure.
What parameters decrease in the cardiovascular system during pregnancy?
Peripheral vascular resistance, blood pressure.
What are the symptoms and anatomic changes in the cardiovascular system during pregnancy?
Varicose veins, hemorrhoids, increased risk for congestive heart failure in at-risk individuals.
What parameters increase in the hematologic system during pregnancy?
Plasma volume (↑ 40%‒50% due to water retention), RBC mass (↑ 15%‒30%), WBC count (up to 29,000/µL can be physiologic), coagulation factors (II, VII, VIII, X, and XII), fibrinogen.
What parameters decrease in the hematologic system during pregnancy?
Hemoglobin and hematocrit concentrations, platelets, anticoagulants (protein S), fibrinolysis, blood viscosity, PT and aPTT may be slightly ↓.
What are the symptoms and anatomic changes in the hematologic system during pregnancy?
Hypercoagulability → risk of DVT/PE, dilutional anemia → fatigue, shortness of breath, edema.
What parameters increase in the respiratory system during pregnancy?
Tidal volume, minute ventilation (↑ 50%), oxygen consumption.
What parameters decrease in the respiratory system during pregnancy?
Functional residual capacity (FRC), expiratory residual volume, pulmonary vascular resistance.
What are the symptoms and anatomic changes in the respiratory system during pregnancy?
Diaphragm rises by approximately 4 cm due to uterine expansion, physiologic respiratory alkalosis.
What parameter increases in the gastrointestinal system during pregnancy?
Intraabdominal pressure.
What parameters decrease in the gastrointestinal system during pregnancy?
GI motility (delayed emptying), lower esophageal sphincter tone.
What are the symptoms and anatomic changes in the gastrointestinal system during pregnancy?
Stomach and intestines are displaced upward, heartburn, constipation, nausea and vomiting.
What parameters increase in the renal system during pregnancy?
Kidney size (due to ↑ blood volume), GFR (↑ approximately 50%), renal plasma flow, creatinine clearance, proteinuria, bicarbonate excretion (compensatory mechanism for respiratory alkalosis).
What parameters decrease in the renal system during pregnancy?
Serum creatinine (should be < 0.8 mg/dL in pregnancy), serum BUN, serum sodium, plasma osmolality, glucose reabsorption
What are the symptoms and anatomic changes in the renal system during pregnancy?
↑ Urinary frequency, nocturia, urinary incontinence, hydronephrosis in the 3rd trimester (due to ureteral compression), ↑ risk for UTI, glucosuria may be physiologic (seen in 50% of individuals), compensatory metabolic acidosis.