Multiple pregnancy Flashcards
What is the classification of multiple pregnancy
- How is the amniotic sac divided
- How is the placenta divided
What are predisposing factors to multiple gestation?
- advanced age >=35
- ethnicity
- history of previous multiple pregnancy
- medication
for dichorionic diamniotic what is the time of zygote division
first 3 days of conception
for monochorionic diamniotic what is the time of zygote division
day 4-7 after conception
for monochorionic monoamniotic what is the time of zygote division
day 8-11 after conception
for monochorionic monoamniotic what is the time of zygote division
from day 12 after conception onwards
what are the maternal complications of multiple gestation
hyperemesis gravidarum
gestational diabetes
gestational hypertension
postpartum hemorrhage
antepartum hemorrhage
what are fetal complication in multople gestation
grotwth restriction
twin to twin transfusion
twin reversal arterial perfusion
what is the ultrasound sign for dichorionic twins
lamda sign
in twin to twin transfusion syndrome what is the presentation
recipient :
growth restriction
describe the management
- ultrasound for dating and chronicity as early as possible
- ultrasound for anormalies (18-20wks)
3.U/S every 2-3 weeks if discordant-doppler - for growth discordance > 20 NST with AFI or BPP
- antenatal care every month till 28 weeks then every 2 weeks till 36 weeks then every week till 38 weeks for delivery (monochorionic diamniotic ; dichorionic diamniotic)
- for Mono - mono treat sterioods at 28 weeks admit for daily ward monitoring CTG & delivery C/S btwn 32-34 weeks
For triplet gestation and beyond
28 weeks steroids
C/S delivery at 34 weeks
if there is IUFD of twin
monitor for surviving twin
expectant management
what is the management of delayed twin delivery
is the twin is in transverse lie, internal podalic version then breech delivery in the OT
and start oxytocin augmentation if there is delay >30 mins
monitor with continuous fetal heart monitoring if not available monitor every 15 minutes.
third stage
oxytocin 20IU in NS or ringers lactate
What is Quintero Stage I of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)?
Stage I: The amniotic fluid discrepancy is present with a maximum vertical pocket (MVP) of ≥8 cm in the recipient and ≤2 cm in the donor, but the bladder of the donor twin is still visible.
What is Quintero Stage II of TTTS?
Stage II: The donor twin’s bladder is no longer visible on ultrasound, but there are no signs of abnormal Doppler studies yet.
What is Quintero Stage III of TTTS?
Stage III: Abnormal Doppler studies are present in either twin, such as absent or reversed end-diastolic flow in the umbilical artery, or abnormal ductus venosus flow, regardless of visible bladder or fluid status.
What is Quintero Stage IV of TTTS?
Stage IV: Hydrops fetalis is present in one or both twins, which indicates severe fetal compromise due to fluid imbalance.
What is Quintero Stage V of TTTS?
Stage V: This stage is marked by the intrauterine demise (death) of one or both twins.