Malpresentation Flashcards
What are the types of breech presentations?
The three types of breech presentations are:
Frank Breech: Hips flexed, knees extended (feet near the head).
Complete Breech: Both hips and knees are flexed.
Footling Breech: One or both feet are presenting first.
What is the preferred management of breech presentation at term?
External cephalic version (ECV) at 36-37 weeks, followed by planned cesarean delivery if ECV is unsuccessful or contraindicated
What is an occiput posterior position?
The occiput posterior (OP) position is when the baby’s head is down, but the back of the head is toward the mother’s back, leading to a more difficult and prolonged labor.
What are the management options for occiput posterior position during labor?
Management may include:
Maternal positioning (e.g., hands and knees).
Manual rotation of the fetus.
Operative delivery if labor does not progress.
What is a transverse lie?
In a transverse lie, the fetus is positioned horizontally in the uterus, with its head on one side and its buttocks on the other, making vaginal delivery impossible.
How is a transverse lie managed?
Transverse lie is managed by external cephalic version if detected before labor or by cesarean delivery if labor has started or if the version is unsuccessful.
What is a brow presentation?
Brow presentation occurs when the fetal head is partially extended, with the brow (forehead) as the presenting part.
What is the management of brow presentation?
Brow presentation often requires cesarean delivery as the presenting diameter is too large for vaginal delivery.
What is a face presentation?
Face presentation occurs when the fetal head is fully extended, and the face is the presenting part.
How is face presentation managed?
If the chin is anterior (mentoanterior), vaginal delivery may be possible; otherwise, cesarean delivery is often required.
What is the occiput transverse position?
Occiput transverse position occurs when the fetal head is down, but the occiput is directed toward the mother’s side (right or left), which may cause arrest in the second stage of labor.
What is the biparietal diameter (BPD)?
The biparietal diameter is the distance between the two parietal bones of the fetal skull. It is approximately 9.5 cm at term and is the widest transverse diameter of the fetal head.
What is the suboccipitobregmatic diameter?
The suboccipitobregmatic diameter is the distance from the undersurface of the occiput (just above the nape of the neck) to the center of the bregma (anterior fontanelle). It measures about 9.5 cm and is the presenting diameter when the fetal head is fully flexed.
What is the occipitofrontal diameter?
The occipitofrontal diameter is the distance from the occipital protuberance to the glabella (the smooth area between the eyebrows). It measures about 11.5 cm and is the presenting diameter in a deflexed head.
What is the mentovertical diameter?
The mentovertical diameter is the distance from the chin (mentum) to the highest point of the vertex. It measures about 13.5 cm and is the presenting diameter in a brow presentation.
What is the submentobregmatic diameter?
The submentobregmatic diameter is the distance from the point where the chin (mentum) meets the neck to the center of the bregma. It measures about 9.5 cm and is the presenting diameter in a face presentation when the head is fully extended.
What is the suboccipitofrontal diameter?
The suboccipitofrontal diameter is the distance from the nape of the neck (suboccipital region) to the midpoint of the forehead (frontal region). It measures about 10.5 cm and is the presenting diameter when the head is partially flexed.
What is the fronto-occipital diameter?
The fronto-occipital diameter is the distance from the forehead (frons) to the occiput. It measures about 12 cm and represents a larger diameter that may present in cases of abnormal head position during labor.
What are the four main types of female pelvises? A: The four main types of female pelvises are:
What are the characteristics of a Gynecoid pelvis?
A Gynecoid pelvis is the most common type, with:
Rounded pelvic inlet
Wide subpubic arch
Non-prominent ischial spines
Suitable for vaginal delivery
What are the characteristics of an Android pelvis?
An Anthropoid pelvis is oval-shaped, with:
Long anteroposterior diameter
Narrow transverse diameter
Wide sacrum
Often favorable for vaginal delivery, but may result in occiput posterior position
What are the characteristics of a Platypelloid pelvis?
A Platypelloid pelvis is flat and broad, with:
Wide transverse diameter
Short anteroposterior diameter
Shallow pelvic cavity
Often associated with transverse fetal positions and may require cesarean delivery
Which pelvic type is most favorable for vaginal delivery?
The Gynecoid pelvis is the most favorable type for vaginal delivery due to its rounded shape and spacious dimensions.
Which pelvic type is least common and most associated with delivery complications?
The Platypelloid pelvis is the least common type and is often associated with delivery complications due to its flattened shape and narrow anteroposterior diameter.
What is the true conjugate (anatomical conjugate) diameter?
The true conjugate, also known as the anatomical conjugate, is the distance between the sacral promontory and the upper border of the pubic symphysis. It measures approximately 11 cm and is crucial for assessing the adequacy of the pelvic inlet.
What is the obstetric conjugate diameter?
The obstetric conjugate is the shortest distance between the sacral promontory and the thickest part of the pubic symphysis. It is usually about 10.5 cm and is the most critical measurement for determining if the fetal head can pass through the pelvic inlet.
What is the diagonal conjugate diameter?
The diagonal conjugate is the distance from the lower border of the pubic symphysis to the sacral promontory. It can be measured manually and is typically 12.5 cm. It helps in estimating the obstetric conjugate.
What is the transverse diameter of the pelvic inlet?
The transverse diameter of the pelvic inlet is the widest distance across the pelvic brim, measured between the farthest points on the iliopectineal lines. It is approximately 13 cm.
What is the interspinous diameter?
The interspinous diameter is the distance between the ischial spines, usually the narrowest part of the pelvic cavity. It measures about 10.5 cm and is critical for the engagement of the fetal head during labor.
What is the bituberous diameter (intertuberous diameter)?
The bituberous diameter, or intertuberous diameter, is the distance between the inner edges of the ischial tuberosities. It typically measures around 11 cm and is important for assessing the pelvic outlet.
What is the sacrococcygeal diameter?
The sacrococcygeal diameter is the distance from the lower end of the sacrum to the lower border of the pubic symphysis. It varies depending on the flexibility of the coccyx but generally measures around 9.5 cm.
What is the anterior-posterior diameter of the pelvic outlet?
The anterior-posterior diameter of the pelvic outlet is the distance from the lower border of the pubic symphysis to the tip of the sacrum. It measures about 11.5 cm and is important for the final stage of labor when the fetal head is crowning.