Physiologic changes during pregnancy Flashcards
Goodell sign
Significant softening of the vaginal portion of the cervix from increased vascularization (earlobe-like consistency)
Chadwick sign
Increased vascularity to cervix and vagina causes the vaginal walls to appear bluish purple
Changes in the ovaries
Increased release of estrogen and progesterone
a. Term for thick, yellowish fluid discharge from breasts
b. When does it usually start appearing?
a. Colostrum
b. As early as 16 weeks
Position of heart during the third trimester
Heart is pushed upward and to the left
a. Blood volume increase begins at how many weeks of gestation?
b. Blood volume increase reaches up to how many percentage?
a. 6 weeks of gestation
b. 30-45%
Heart sounds (2 answers)
a. Splitting of first heart sound
b. Presence of S3
Dilution of RBCs leads to a phenomenon called?
Physiologic anemia of pregnancy / Pseudoanemia of pregnancy
a. Cardiac output increases by how many percent?
b. At what position of the pregnant woman is the CO highest?
c. At what position of the pregnant woman is the CO lowest?
a. 30-50%
b. Side-lying position
c. Standing, supine
3 groups of pregnancy signs and symptoms
- Presumptive signs
- Probable signs
- Positive signs
Presumptive signs
a. Mini-description
b. Signs and symptoms (from TCNB)
a. Changes felt by the woman that are SUBJECTIVE. Not a definite pregnancy diagnosis
b. P.R.E.S.U.M.E.D.
- period absent (amenorrhea)
- really tired
- enlarged breasts
- sore breasts
- urination increased (urinary frequency)
- movement perceived (quickening): difficult to differentiate from peristalsis or gas
- emesis & nausea
- drawings on face, abdomen (linea nigra, melasma, striae gravidarum)
Probable signs
a. Mini-description
b. Signs and symptoms (from TCNB)
a. Pregnancy signs that can be observed by a nurse or doctor
b. P.R.O.B.A.B.L.E.
- positive pregnancy test (high hCG levels); not guaranteed pregnant because high hCG can be caused by other conditions (medications, molar pregnancy)
- returning of fetus when uterus is pushed with fingers (ballottement)
- objective
- Braxton-Hicks contractions (painless practice contractions)
- a softened cervix (Goodell’s sign)
- bluish color of vulva, vagina, or cervix (Chadwick’s sign)
- lower uterine segment soft (Hegar’s sign)
- enlarged uterus
Positive signs
a. Mini-description
b. Signs and symptoms (from TCNB)
a. Can only be attributed to a fetus (definite diagnosis for pregnancy)
b. F.E.T.U.S.
- fetal movement palpated by doctor or nurse
- electronic device detects heart tones
- the delivery of the baby
- ultrasound detects baby
- seeing visible movements
Use of prolactin hormone (from TCNB)
Allows for breast milk production
Use of estrogen hormone (from TCNB)
Growth of fetal organs & maternal tissues
Use of progesterone and relaxin hormones (from TCNB)
Relaxes smooth muscles
Use of progesterone hormone (from google; 2 answers)
- Thickens endometrium after ovulation to be able to accept a fertilized egg
- Prohibits muscle contractions in uterus that would cause the body to reject an egg
Use of hCG hormone (from TCNB)
Produced by placenta, prevents menstruation
Use of oxytocin hormone (from TCNB)
Stimulates contractions at the start of labor