Physics Chapter 18 Flashcards
What does something have to do in order to be a source of emf?
It has to transform nonelectrical eneergy to electrical emergy.
What are examples of sources of emf?
Batteries and generators
Batteries turn chemical energy into electrical energy
Generators turn kinetic energy into electrical energy
What is emf?
It’s the source of potential difference (Voltage) and electrical energy
What can be determined about the emf and potential difference if resistance isn’t taken into consideration?
The voltage and emf are equal in that case.(across the source’s 2 terminals)
What;s the terminal voltage?
It’s the voltage across the battery’s 2 terminals
What’s a conventional current?
It’s a circuit in which the current flows from the positive to the negatice sides of the battery.
The potential difference across a load equals…
the terminal voltage
What can be determined about the emf and terminal voltage in a conventional current?
the terminal voltage is less than the emf
What;s a schematic diagram?
It’s an illustration that depicts the construction og electrical aparatus
What are the types of energy that a light bulb changed electrical energy to?
What does a basic electrical circuit contain?
A light bulb, a switch, and a wire.
What is another name for schematic diagram?
A circuit diagram.
What’s an electrical circuit?
A set of electrical components connected tsuch that they provide one or more complete paths for the the movement of charges (current).
What;s a load?
Any element or group of elements that dissisipates energy.
Why don’t we consider the wire or switch as a part of the load?
Because the energy that they dissisipate is negligible