Physics Flashcards
What type of atom undergoes: Beta minus, beta plus, Electron caputre and alpha decay?
- Beta negative - Neutron rich elements - want to gain a proton so have to get rid of that negative energy
- Electron capture and Beta plus: Proton rich elements - need to get rid of proton
- Electron capture is low energy bitches that just take in an electron and grab its negative power!
- Alpha is large elements.
What is isobaric or isomeric change?
Isobaric - Mass stays the same but the structure of the nucleus changed
Isomeric - energy changed… nothing else
What is an isotope, isotone, isobar and Isomer?
Isotope = protons stayed the same
Isotone = neutrons are the same
Isobar = Mass is the same
Isomer = Energy changed
How does Mo99 turn to Tc99?
First it undergoes beta - and turns into a metastable 99mTc, then it undergoes isomeric gamma release of 140keV and becomes 99Tc.
What can happen in isomeric transition that would be bad for imaging?
Internal Conversion - instead of giving off a gamma ray the energy is transited to an electron that flies off as an auger electron and characteristic electrons.
A nuclear reactor makes what while a cyclotron produces?
Nuclear reactor produces neutrons
Cyclotron produces charged particles
What does Carrier free mean?
Carrier free means no left over parent element… a cyclotron is carrier free.
What are the three types of half life and how do they relate?
Phyiscal, biological and effective
1/Effective = 1/physical + 1/Biological
How long till the radioactive material is considered gone?
10 half lives.
What is the biologic and physical half life of I131?
Biologic = 24 days
Physical = 8 days
What does Ci and Bq measure and how do they relate to eachother?
Becquerel and Ci = number of disintegrations per second
1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 dis/sec
1 Bq = 1 dis/sec
37 Bq = 1 mCi
What are the parts of a gamma camera?
Scintillator - NaI and thallium
What collimator is the workhorse of nuke med?
Parallel Hole collimator
What radiopharms use a low energy collimator?
Thallium 201
What radiopharms use a medium energy collimator?
Ga 67