Physical vs. Psychological Stress Flashcards
What is the Painstation?
It is a version of the game Pong. It is rigged to cause pain to the players when the other person scores. Pain could be caused by shock, heat, and a built-in-whip.
What is Bottom-up Processing?
It is physically demanding on the body. Signal is sent from the body up to the brain.
What is Top-Down Processing?
It is mentally demanding. Signals are sen down from the brain to the body.
What is Activation?
It is the amount of physiological and metabolic response. It is High vs. Low.
What is Valence?
Appetitive vs. Aversive.
Positive vs. Negative
Pleasent vs. Unpleasent
What does appetitive activation mean?
It is enjoyable even if the metabolic response is high. Examples of this is sexual arousal and eager anticipation.
What does aversive activation mean?
They are unpleasant even if the distress causes less physiological demands. Examples of this are public speaking anxiety and relationship loss.
What are the 2 classifications of emotions?
Valence and Activation/Arousal.
What emotions do activations/arousal have?
High energy vs. Low energy
Expend energy vs. conserve energy
What does an exercise response require?
It requires a change in physical homeostasis in order to maximize the amount of oxygen and fuel available for muscles. It is a bottom-up influence.
What kind of changes happen when responding to exercise?
changes in cardiac out, blood pressure, breathing, hormone levels, water, and electrolyte balance.
What system does exercise activate?
The sympathetic nervous system.
Where does the preparatory phase of exercise begin?
It begins in the higher brain areas. Prefrontal cortex–>supplementary motor cortex–>premotor cortex–>motor cortex.
What parts of the brain are altered in the preparatory phase?
The hypothalamus and brainstem. There is an increase in sympathetic activity and suppression in parasympathetic activity.
What changes happen in the preparatory phase?
Increased heart rate, cardiac output, and blood flow to muscles, increased vasoconstriction.
What is an example of the preparatory phase in exercise?
Increased heart rates in runners preparing for a race. Higher heart rate increases for sprinters than long-distance runners.