Homeostatis and Hypothalamus 3 Flashcards
What was the research that Cannon and Bard were doing?
They researched with “decerebrated” ( to surgically disconnect the cerebrum from lower brain area) cats.
What happened when the cortex was disconnected but the hypothalamus was intact?
able to sustain homeostais
able to land on feet
displayed “sham rage” (threat posture, hissing,)
Reactions were stereotyped and not at specific targets.
What happened when the hypothalamus was partially severed?
Sham rage partially displayed
Usually able to sustain homeostasis
What happened when hypothalamus was disconnected from brain stem?
No longer showed sham rage
difficult to keep the animal alive
What did this research experiment conclude on?
demonstrated that many complex functions are regulated automatically without input from higher brain areas.
What regulates stress hormone in the hypothalamus?
The paraventricular nucleus (PVN)
controls both sympathetic activation and HPA axis.
autonomic functions of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN)
dorsal and ventral projections from PVN.
projects to brain stem and spinal cord
regulates sympathetic and
endocrine functions of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN)
medial and lateral projections from PVN.
connects to pituitary
regulates the HPA axis.
What is cortisol used to maintain?
energy use
energy stores
cardiovascular functioning
Cortisol isn’t only for stress but increases to maintain stress responses.
How is cortisol regulated?
Regulated by multiple feedback systems
when cortisol levels get high, less cortisol is produced
Important regulate because too much cortisol can have negative effects.
How does cortisol travel in negative feedback loops?
Cortisol can pass through blood brain barrier
PVN detects cortisol with decreases CRF–> pituitary gland detects cortisol which decreases ACTH release.
What does the amygdala do for HPA activity?
Increases it.
What does the hippocampus do for HPA activity?
It can both decrease and increase HPA activity. BUT plays a major in role DECREASING HPA activity.
What happens when people have smaller hippocamupses?
less ability to inhibit HPA activation. They are more vulerable to developing PTSD after trauma.
An endogenous opioid
When the HPA axis is active, CRH from hypothalamus stimulates release of ACTH from pituitary. CRH also stimulates release of beta-endorphins.