Physical self Flashcards
What are the concepts related to physical self
- Body Ideal
- Body Image
- Beauty
What are the perspective or the “self” in relation to the body?
- The Role of Culture in understanding Self Esteem.
- The Influence of social media on beaty standards.
- Does body-image affect the quality of life?
body type promoted within a culture and its media as most attractive or most appropriate to a person’s age, gender, and race.
Body Ideal
is the mental picture one forms of one’s body as a whole, including its physical characteristics (body percept) and one’s attitudes toward these characteristics (body concept)
Body Image
Body Image is also known as?
Body Identity
the quality or group of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or the mind.
What is the ideal male body society says?
Muscular wash-board abs, powerful legs, chiseled features
What is the reason why females in particular are pressured by society to conform to?
Conventional Beauty Standards
Refers to the perception of the level of attractiveness of hi s/her body or it can somebo dy’s own impression of how his or her body looks.
Body image
may also be our sense of how other people view our bodies
Body Image
How can be body image be seen as?
Internal (personal) and External (social)
What are the two types of beauty
Inner Beauty and External Beauty
which refers to the inner qualities of a person
Inner Beauty
refers to the physical characteristics of the person.
External Beauty
Refers to the practice of physically enhancing the body and it is temporary
Body adornment
Refers to the physical alteration of the body and it can be either permanent of temporary
Body modifications
Examples of body adornment
Dyeing hair, painting nails, make up, painting body, jewelry, fashion clothing
Examples of body modifications
Surgery, Tattooing, piercing, scarification, branding, genital mutilation, implants
is a culture widely accepted and patronized by the public as in pop music which is very appealing to the youth.
Pop culture
What are the effects of pop culture?
- teenagers think of themselves
- associating with others
- express characteristics of their maturation
What are the influences of pop culture?
- imitating the way they dress
- style in their bodies
- buying products
we are co nstantly beset with media images, especially advertise ments representing appropriate bodies or skin, so tha t we internalize these ideals and either attempt to co nform to them or resist them. What is the influence on this in our society?
Hyper-mediated soceity
What are the risk factors in the exposure of media in self-esteem?
- Body dissatisfaction
- concern over weight
- disordered eating behaviors
True/False: Boys’ body image is generally more negative than girls, and boys are much more don’t want to welcome weight gain.
False: (negative = positive) (don’t want = likely)
What is the cultural ideal male bodies?
Big and Strong
What the cultural ideal female bodies?
What negative factors shows because of female cultural body ideals?
Body dissatisfaction and dieting
referred to as self-worth or self- respect, is an important part of success.
True or False: Too little self-esteem can leave people feeling defeated or depressed, leading to bad choices, destructive relationships, and a failure to live up to their full potential.
True or False: Too much self-esteem, as exhibited in narcissistic personality disorder, can be irritating to others and damage personal relationships.
What is the best ideal self-esteem?
Realistic yet positive view of yourself
In psychology, this term is used to describe a person’s overall sense of self-worth or personal value.
True or False: Is self-esteem never seen as a personality trait, and does it only involve a narrow range of beliefs about yourself, excluding the appraisal of your appearance, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors?
True or false: Does self-esteem play a significant role in one’s motivation and success throughout life?
True or False: Low self-esteem can propel you to succeed at school or work because you don’t believe yourself to be capable of success.
True or False: Having a healthy self-esteem may hinder you from achieving goals as you navigate life with a positive assertive attitude and believe you can accomplish anything.
True or False: Did Maslow suggest that people need both esteem from other people as well as inner self-respect, and both of these needs must be fulfilled for an individual to grow and achieve self-actualization?
True or False: Self-esteem is not considered one of the basic human motivations.
Physical characteristics
body precept
Attitudes towards physical characteristics
Body concept
The quality or group of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the sense of the mind